ectopic pregnancy 异位妊娠 课件.ppt

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ectopic pregnancy -----异位妊娠;DEFINITION: In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg enters the uterus 子宫 and settles into the uterine lining 子宫内膜where it has plenty of room to divide and grow. however,under some abnormal circumstances, the embryo [?mbr?o] implants outside the uterine cavity, so that an ectopic pregnancy ,or eccysis,happens.;normal pregnancy;;@WPS官方微博 @kingsoftwps;SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: (Early symptoms are either absent or subtle) Pain in the lower abdomen, and inflammation (pain may be confused with a strong stomach pain, it may also feel like a strong cramp 痉挛,绞痛). Pain while urinating 排尿 Pain and discomfort, usually mild. Vaginal bleeding 阴道出血[v?d?a?nl], usually mild.This is due to the falling progesterone 黄体酮[prod??st?ron] levels. Internal bleeding (hematoperitoneum 腹腔积血[,perit?uni:?m]) is due to hemorrhage from the affected tube. ; ;Human Embryo (7th week of pregnancy, 5th week p.o.) This photo of an opened oviduct with an ectopic pregnancy features a spectacularly well preserved 10-millimeter embryo.;DIGNOSIS: ①An ectopic pregnancy should be considered in any woman with abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding who has a positive pregnancy test. An ultrasound 超声诊断 showing a gestational sac 孕囊 [d?estei??n?l] with fetal 胎儿的[fitl] heart in the fallopian tube is clear evidence of ectopic pregnancy. ②A laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查or laparotomy can also be performed to visually confirm an ectopic pregnancy. Often if a tubal abortion or tubal rupture has occurred, it is difficult to find the pregnancy tissue. A laparoscopy in very early ectopic pregnancy rarely shows a normal looking fallopian tube. ;;TREATMENT: --medical :Early treatment of an ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate(MTX ,一种抗癌药物) is a viable 可行的 alternative to surgical treatment. If administered early in the pregnancy, MTX terminates the growth of the developing embryo; this may cause an abortion, or the tissue may then be either resorbed by the womans body or pass with a menstrual period. Cont


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