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第41卷第 10期 中国测试 Vol.41 No.10 2015年 10月 CHINA MEASUREMENT TEST October,2015 doi院10.11857/j.issn.1674-5124.2015.10.016 周浸腐蚀试验箱智能控制系统 陈国年袁 周红军袁 李 晓袁 方康玲 (武汉科技大学冶金自动化与检测技术教育部工程研究中心,湖北 武汉 430081) 摘 要院针对周浸腐蚀试验箱工作环境复杂,温度和湿度难于控制等问题。设计一种用于在实验过程中自动调节温湿 度的周浸腐蚀试验箱智能控制系统,该系统包括温度专家控制器和湿度模糊控制器。由于试验箱封闭,温度的变化会 影响湿度,所以系统中还采用解耦控制策略。实际运行结果表明该系统工作可靠,且温湿度控制精度高。 ; 关键词院周浸腐蚀试验箱;智能控制 PLC控制系统 文献标志码院A 文章编号院1674-5124渊2015冤10-0073-03 Intelligent control system of immersion cyclic corrosion test chamber CHEN Guonian,ZHOU Hongjun,LI Xiao,FANG Kangling (Metallurgical Automation and Detection Technology Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education,Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430081,China) Abstract: Immersion cyclic corrosion test chamber (ICCTC)is an apparatus. Because working environment of ICCTC is complex,it is difficult to control the temperature and humidity. An intelligent control system of ICCTC was designed to adjust temperature and humidity of the chamber during the test. An expert controller was designed to regulate temperature,and a fuzzy controller was designed to regulate the humidity in the chamber. Since the chamber was closed, the temperature change would affect the humidity,so the system also used a decoupling control strategy. The practical application results show that the system is reliable and the control accuracy is high. Keywords: immersion cycle corrosion test chamber;intelligent control;PLC control system 0 引 言 气腐蚀寿命。 大气腐蚀是存在最普遍的钢材腐蚀类型。大气 周浸腐蚀试验箱是钢材加速腐蚀试验的主体 腐蚀与空气的温度、湿度、日照时间、降雨量、降尘 设备,可用于耐火、耐候钢,高强


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