酒店水疗 处理客人投诉 2.13B Handling Guest Complaints Slides.pptVIP

酒店水疗 处理客人投诉 2.13B Handling Guest Complaints Slides.ppt

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Click to edit Master title style Standard Operating Procedures Click to edit Master title style Standard Operating Procedures Handling Guest Complaints Objectives Explain why some guests do not complain and the consequences of this to our business Identify guest needs in a complaint situation State the value of taking a positive approach to handling guest complaints Explain the steps to taking in handling complaints effectively Demonstrate how to handle a complaint in a skills practice State the importance of post complaint action Asking for Feedback Genuinely Giving our full attention Using appropriate body language Waiting for a full answer from the guest Asking supplementary questions: ‘What else could we have done for you today to have made your experience even better? ‘We do value your feedback and want to know how we can improve our service.’ Philosophy ‘The Customer is Always Right’ Empathy Ability to identify with another person’s thoughts or feelings Ability to put yourself in the place of another emotionally Ability to feel or express the emotion of another ‘Putting yourself in the customer’s shoes’. ‘I understand that you must be feeling…’ or ‘I am sure that if I was in the same situation as you I would feel just the same.’ Pillar 11 ‘We will listen to guest complaints calmly and sincerely, apologise for any inconvenience, agree upon an action which will follow, and ensure the action occurs.’ Steps to Handling Complaints Listen calmly & sincerely Apologise for the inconvenience Agree upon an action which will follow Ensure the action occurs I’m Listening Maintain appropriate eye contact Nod and make encouraging sounds Focus on the guest, giving full attention Use positive body language Apologising I sincerely apologise for the disruption to your treatment today. I can understand how irritating this must have been. I truly hope that there were occasions when you were able to relax I am very sorry that you were inconvenienced in this way. It m


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