凯悦酒店 咖啡培训 04 Coffee.ppt

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Objective (目标) By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have a Basic Knowledge about “ Coffee”. 在本次课程的结尾,我们的目标是确保你能掌握 “咖啡”的基本知识 Any Questions? 有什么问题吗? 1. About Coffee Bean (关于咖啡豆) There are 2 types of Coffee Bean 有两种咖啡豆 Robusta 中粒种咖啡豆 Oblong oval shape 长椭圆形 Natural coffee greenish yellow colour 纯天然的咖啡黄绿色 Up to 5-6 meter high plants 它的树干高达5-6米 Varieties including Mocha, Bourbon and Maragogype 它的品种有摩卡,波本和马拉戈日皮 1. About Coffee Bean (关于咖啡豆) Arabica 小粒种咖啡豆 Roundish shape 圆形 Natural coffee yellow brown colour 纯天然的咖啡黄棕色 Up to 12 meter high plants 它的树干高达12米 Varieties including Palembang, Kouilou and Congonisis ARABUSTA is cross bread between Arabica and Robusta 2. How Coffee is made (咖啡是如何生产出来的) How is Coffee made? 咖啡是如何生产出来的? Beans are derived from the cherries 从咖啡樱桃中分离出来 2. How Coffee is made (咖啡是如何生产出来的) After the harvest, seeds are extracted from the coffee cherries by two methods: 咖啡樱桃被收割下来以后,有两种分离出咖啡的办法: 3. Coffee Making Process (咖啡生产过程) Dry Process 干燥过程 After being gathered fruits are sun dried for a number of days and then beans are extracted 水果收割了以后会被放在阳光下风干,就变成咖啡豆了 3. Coffee Making Process (咖啡生产过程) Wet Process 潮湿处理 Fruits are pulped and the seeds are left to ferment in large water tanks. Washed beans are then sun dried and freed from the parchment 水果被削皮后和种子一起放进一个大水缸里发酵。洗干净的咖啡豆被放在阳光下风干然后 3. Coffee Making Process (咖啡生产过程) Roasting Process 烘烤处理 Drying 干燥 Eliminate the moisture 去除湿气 Roasting 烘烤 Temperature from 1000 C up to 2300 C 温度从100摄氏度到230摄氏度 Cooling 冷却 Use water showers or cool air streams 用水冲或者喷冷蒸汽 4. Coffee and Regions (咖啡和产地) Where Coffee comes from? 咖啡的产地 Brazil 巴西 Colombia 哥伦比亚 Ivory Coast Mexico 墨西哥 Guatemala 危地马拉 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Coast Rica 5. Classification of Coffee (咖啡的分类) These are well known for the Coffee drinkers: 以下是咖啡爱好者所熟悉的 咖啡种类: Espresso 浓缩咖啡 Ristretto


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