
人力资源管理专业英语 詹婧 等 Chapter 4 Recruitment and Selection新.ppt

人力资源管理专业英语 詹婧 等 Chapter 4 Recruitment and Selection新.ppt

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4.3 The Main Technical of Staff Selection Honesty Tests Many of the problems that confront society also exist within organizations, which have led to two new kinds of tests: theft tests and drug-use tests. Paper-and-pencil honesty tests typically ask applicants directly about their attitudes toward theft or their past experiences with theft. 4.3 The Main Technical of Staff Selection 2.Interview Assessment 面试评价 A selection interview has been defined as “a dialogue initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for employment”. The selection interview is the most wide-spread selection method employed in organizations. 4.3 The Main Technical of Staff Selection 3.Center Assessment Technology 集中评价技术 The center assessment is one kind of effective technology evaluating talented person. (1)Leaderless Group Discussion The leaderless group discussion is a type of assessment center exercise where groups of applicants meet as a group to discuss an actual job-related problem. (2) Role Playing Role playing is a type of assessment center exercise where the candidate assumes the role of the incumbent of the position and must deal with another person in a job- related situation. THANK YOU! 馋死 PPT研究院 POWERPOINT ACADEMY * * 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 专业交流 模板超市 设计服务 NordriDesign中国专业PowerPoint媒体设计与开发 本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。 如您行使本许可授予的使用本作品的权利,就表明您接受并同意遵守本许可的条款。在您接受这些条款和规定的前提下,许可人授予您本许可所包括的权利。 查看全部… * 在线教务辅导网: 更多课程配套课件资源请访问在线教务辅导网 Professional English for Human Resource Management Chapter 4 Recruiment and Selection 人力资源管理专业英语 第四章 招聘与甄选 Contents目录 Key Words 【重点词汇】 4.1 Brief Sketch of Recruitment and Selection 招聘与甄选概述 4.2 Methods of Recruiting 招聘方法 4.3 The Main Techniques of Staff Selection 员工甄选的主要技术 Key Words promotion 晋升 application form 申请表 selection tools 筛选工具 background investigations 背景调查 help-wa



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