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更多资料下载 请到学习人家 1 目的Objective 正确的验证、贮存、维护和使用顾客提供的产品。 The objective is to correctly verify, store, maintain and operate the products supplied by the customers. 2 适用范围Applicable Scope 适用于本公司顾客提供产品的管理活动。 This is applicable to AICQ’s management activities of customer supplied products. 3 职责Responsibility 3.1 市场销售部负责与顾客进行联络,各相关部门负责对顾客保管,并维护好顾客提供的产品。 The Marketing Department is responsible for contacting the customers. The relative departments are responsible for keeping and maintaining the customers supplied products. 3.2 工程技术部负责编制顾客提供产品的技术要求及标准,必要时对其产品进行验证认可。 The Engineering Department is responsible for formulating the technical requirements and standards of the customers supplied products, and if necessary, verifying and certificating the products. 3.3 质量部负责制订检验和试验规范,对顾客产品进行检验和验收。 The Quality Department is formulating the inspection and test specifications, and inspecting and accepting the customer products. 4 术语Nomenclature 顾客提供的产品----是归顾客所有的、为满足合同要求提供给企业使用的产品。其中也包括模具、包装、技术资料。 Customer Supplied Product: It refers to the products that are owned by the customer, but are supplied to the enterprise for purpose of fulfilling the contractual requirements. It includes the tooling, package and technical documents. 5 工作程序Work Procedures 5.1 市场销售部与顾客签定关于顾客提供产品的合同或协议,规定顾客应提供质保书的内容,进货检验的方式和范围,有关产品的标识和可追溯性范围等。合同中应明确规定,本公司对产品的验证不能免除顾客提供合格产品的责任。 The Marketing Department and the customer shall sign a contract or an agreement on customer supplied product, in which it shall specify the details of the customer’s quality guaranty certificate, the inspection methods and scope of incoming products, product labeling, scope of traceability, etc. In the contract, it shall clearly specify that the AICQ’s verification cannot release the customer from the responsibilities for providing acceptable products. 5.2 对顾客提供的用于产品的原材料或零部件,抵达公司后由市场销售部办理接收手续、交采购物流部,由采购物流部填写送检单,并附上顾客提供产品的质量文件交质量部。同时核对产品标识、数量和记录及相关文件归档备查。 At the arrival of


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