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2010国际生物工程研讨会 2010 International Symposium on Advanced Biological Engineering (ISABE’2010) Invitation Letter Biotechnology and Biological Engineering are coming into an exciting era as enabling technological platform for green industry, low carbon economy, health care and environment-benign society. In order to promote the international cooperation in above mentioned fields, the 2010 International Symposium on Advanced Biological Engineering (ISABE’2010) will be held in Beijing, China, from July 23rd to July 25th 2010. ISABE’2010 is jointly organized by Tsinghua University, China, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and coorganized by Biotechnology and Business. ISABE’2010 is also commissioned to bridge the academic research activities in biological engineering, biotechnology, nano-biotechnology, biomedical technology, environmental bioengineering, biofuels and microalga technology, and food biotechnology to various industrial practices, e.g., biomass-based chemicals, bioenergy, biopharmaceuticals, health care and environmental bioremediation. On behalf of the organizing committee,I am honored to welcome all of you to ISABE’2010. It will be a great pleasure to refresh our memories of the established ISABE in the past, share the up-to-date advances in both fundamental researches and engineering practices and to project the areas where we may contribute to our better life and planet. I look forward to meeting you in July and wish you all a pleasant and fruitful stay in Beijing. Sincerely yours, Prof. Xin-Hui Xing Chairman of the Organizing Committee ISABE’2010 (第一轮)通知 “2010国际生物工程研讨会”将于2010年7月23-25日在北京召开。会议由清华大学、东京工业大学主办,《生物产业技术杂志承办,并受到国家自然科学基金委员会、日本JSPS资助,会议主题为:“可持续应用的生物技术”。热诚欢迎各高校、科研院(所)以及企事业单位的科研、工程技术和管理人员及学生踊跃投稿,积极参会,扩大学术交流与学科影响。 一、会议组织机构 1、会议组织委员会 主席: Prof. 邢新会 清华大学 Prof. Susumu Kajiwara 东京工业大学 委员: Prof. 常智杰 清华大学 Prof. 陈国强 清华大学 Prof. 刘德华


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