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C语言常用库函数 目的与目标 学习使用C语言常用库函数 课程概述 math.h stdio.h stdlib.h malloc.h string.h assert.h 动态存储分配(malloc.h) 函数名: malloc 功 能: 内存分配函数 用 法: void *malloc(unsigned size); 程序例: #include stdlib.h /* For _MAX_PATH definition */ #include stdio.h #include malloc.h void main( void ) { char *string; /* Allocate space for a path name */ string = malloc( _MAX_PATH ); if( string == NULL ) printf( Insufficient memory available\n ); else{ printf( Memory space allocated for path name\n ); free( string ); printf( Memory freed\n ); } } 动态存储分配(malloc.h) 函数名: free 功 能: 释放已分配的块 用 法: void free(void *ptr); 程序例: #include string.h #include stdio.h #include malloc.h int main(void) { char *str; /* allocate memory for string */ str = malloc(10); /* copy Hello to string */ strcpy(str, Hello); /* display string */ printf(String is %s\n, str); /* free memory */ free(str); return 0; } 动态存储分配(malloc.h) 函数名: realloc 功 能:改变已分配内存的大小,ptr为已分配有内存区域的指针,newsize为新的长度,返回分配好的内存指针; 用 法: void *realloc(void *ptr,unsigned newsize) 程序例: #include stdio.h #include malloc.h #include stdlib.h void main( void ) { long *buffer; size_t size; if( (buffer = (long *)malloc( 1000 * sizeof( long ) )) == NULL ) exit( 1 ); size = _msize( buffer ); printf( Size of block after malloc of 1000 longs: %u\n, size ); /* Reallocate and show new size: */ if( (buffer = realloc( buffer, size + (1000 * sizeof( long )) )) == NULL ) exit( 1 ); size = _msize( buffer ); printf( Size of block after realloc of 1000 more longs: %u\n, size ); free( buffer ); exit( 0 ); } 动态存储分配(malloc.h) 函数名:calloc 功 能:分配nelem个长度为elsize的内存空间并返回所分配内存的指针 ; 用 法: void *calloc( size_t num, size_t size ); 程序例: #include stdio.h #include malloc.h void main( void ) { long *buffer; buffer = (long *)calloc( 40, sizeof( long ) ); if( buffer != NULL ) printf( Allocated 40 long integers\n ); else printf( Cant allocate memory\n


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