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Dr Ita O’Donovan Lecture Seven * Collaboration : often used to describe people working together to achieve a common aim. e.g. A collaborative research project at a university. However our concern is with collaboration between organisations * Collaborative arrangements are there for all to see they include: Strategic alliances; joint ventures; public private partnerships; Co-ordinated service delivery; supply chain agreements; joint marketing arrangements; research and development partnerships etc. Public and voluntary sectors have many examples as well, from joint delivery of services, co-ordinated delivery of services ; partnerships to tackle social care issues to economic development. * Perceived POWER in relation to the strategy realisation of the strategy making organisation * Indifferent: two factors here minimal interest in the strategic future of the organisation and a perceived lack of power to influence the future Players: have a clear interest in the strategic behaviour of the organisation. Capable of helping hindering. Some of their power comes form their interest in what is going on. Observing: those in observing mode have a clear interest in the strategy making but do not believe they have the influence the outcome. Independent: they have no interest in the strategy but do have the power to influence the success of the strategy making * * Perceived Power in relation To strategy realisation of the strategy making organisation Stakeholders: are the subjects and the players Actors: who have the power to act in a way which has impact on the future of the strategy making organisation are both Players and Leaders of the context. Without other considerations, an organisation must pay attention to all actors. Leaders of context setting are outside the organisation but they way they act can fundamentally affect the strategy. Example would be a peace process where the key parties are involved in collaborating for peace, but another country’s


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