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室内有害气体检测系统设计 摘 要 随着我国的经济快速发张,人们不仅追求对物质上的满足,也更加对生活质量提出相当高的要求。为了享受家庭温馨和视觉上的感受,家庭装潢往往大量使用装饰材料。可是正是这些材料释放了大量的污染气体,如甲醛、氡、氨等。严重的威胁着人们的健康安全。与此同时,煤气和天然气正进入千家万户,危险也进入了千家万户。燃气的泄漏始终是悬在人们头上的达摩克之剑,如果燃气泄漏,小则会伤害人们的健康,大着就会造成巨大的生命财产损失。本课题依据实际需要,设计一种简易的监测系统,并可以告之人们所处室内的气体溶度以及溶度超标报警。 本文设计的这个监测系统使用MQ2气敏传感器作为接收装置,以STC89C52单片机作为核心,1602液晶显示器作为显示输出,用来对室内气体的检测显示,同时加装蜂鸣器作为报警输出。 关键词: 有毒气体;STC89C52单片机;MQ2气敏传感器;检测 Design of indoor harmful gas detection system Abstract With Chinas rapid economic development, people not only the pursuit of material satisfaction, but also more put forward high requirement to the quality of life. In order to enjoy the warmth of family and visual experience, family decoration often use a lot of decoration materials. But it is these materials released pollution gas, such as formaldehyde, radon, and ammonia. A serious threat to peoples health and safety. At the same time, gas and natural gas into thousands of households, the risk also entered thousands of households. Gas leakage is always hanging in the head of the Damour sword, if the gas leakage, small will harm peoples health, and great will cause great loss of life and property. According to the actual needs, design a monitoring system is simple, and can tell the people to the indoor gas solubility and solubility exceed the standard alarm. This monitoring system is designed in this paper using MQ2 gas sensor as the receiving device, with the STC89C52 microcontroller as the core, 1602 LCD as display output, used to display the detection of indoor gas, at the same time as with buzzer alarm output. Key words: Poisonous gas; STC89C52 microcontroller; MQ2 gas sensor; detection 室内有害气体检测系统设计 1 引言 1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 随着人们对环境及健康问题的日益重视,对室内空气中的有害气体的检测种类越来越多。其中,人们在日常生活中关心的气体污染主要由两个方面。 其一为家装产生的污染,主要有甲醛、氡、苯等。吸入甲醛会出现呼吸道的严重刺激和水肿、眼刺痛、头痛,也可发生支气管哮喘。孕妇长期吸入可能导致新生婴儿畸形,甚至死亡,男子长期吸入可导致男子精子畸形、死亡,性功能下降,严重的可导致 HYPERLINK /view/939.htm \t _blank 白血病,气胸,生殖能力缺失,全身症状有头痛、乏力、胃纳差、心悸、失眠、体重减轻以及 HYPERLINK /view/562724.htm \t _blank 植物神经紊乱等。氡是自然界唯一的天然放射性


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