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Learning from the Japanese Construction Industry 序文:目标和方法 Objective: To analyse the Japanese construction industry and draw out the useful learning and competitive intelligence for the German industry. Approach: Highlight the performance of Japanese Construction Companies. Identify what the Japanese construction companies are doing differently and why these trends have emerged. Assess how these developments affect the German construction industry and how the country’s construction firms could react. 内容 The Japanese Construction Industry: Major Players and Market performance Key Trends in the Japanese Market Underlying Market Drivers Competitive Implications for the German market Establishing a Competitive response: A Gemini Consulting Point of View ? 在最大的建筑公司中有七家是日本的,一家是德国的 尽管经济不景气,日本的承包商获得比德国承包商高很多的利润 The Japanese Construction Industry: Major Players and Market performance Key Trends in the Japanese Market Underlying Market Drivers Competitive Implications for the German market Establishing a Competitive response: A Gemini Consulting Point of View ? 日本的建筑公司要比德国的公司更全球化 日本的建筑公司致力于建立长期合作关系 Construction companies provide significant election funding Public sector construction investment to stabilise the industry during recession RD fundings: Tax breaks 171 persons government Building Research Institute (US$ 26.6m budget 1995) 大型的公司按时间先后顺序提供全面的“一站式服务” Typical Scope and Timing For A Major Project 日本的承包商始终如一地对研究和发展进行大量的投资 RD funding is 1% of total Japanese construction industry revenue. 40 companies have their own RD institutions (10 companies with more than 100 people). By 1992, the Japanese construction industry as a whole was spending US $2.4 bn p.a. on RD. . . . 和学习以覆盖项目所有的功能以及全过程 Just-in-Time learning (KANBRAIN) creates a cyclical learning process within the company . . . 日本公司已经把自动化带入建筑业,首先实行的是不在建筑工地进行预制配件 Standardised design allows for modular units that can be fabricated off-site, with fewer people in a safer environment: Pre-fabricated tile facade panels.


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