
安徽医科大学护理学院思维与沟通课件 第十五章.ppt

安徽医科大学护理学院思维与沟通课件 第十五章.ppt

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15 Health Teaching in the Nurse-Client Relationship OUTLINE Importance of Health Teaching Basic Concepts Definition Health Teaching Domains Theoretical Frameworks Precede Model Client-Centered Health Teaching Concepts of Empowerment Concepts of Critical Thinking Behavioral Models Behavioral Concepts Applications Constructing a Teaching Plan Teaching Applications in different Settings Summary What is health teaching?P282 Health teaching is defined as a specialized creative interpersonal nursing intervention whereby the nurse provides information, emotional support, and health-related skill training to clients for the purpose of helping individuals and their families cope effectively with health problems and achieve maximum well-being. Health Teaching Domains P283 Cognitive(understanding content) Affective(changing attitudes and promoting acceptance) Psychomotor(hands-on skill development) Theoretical Frameworks (Ⅰ)PRECEDE Model P284 Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation Theoretical Frameworks (Ⅱ)Client-centered Health Teaching The process of health teaching is a client-centered process that integrates knowledge of the content area, self-awareness, and a good understanding of teaching-learning principles with knowledge of the clients learning needs and provision of emotional support. * * OBJECTIVES At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to 1.Define health teaching 2.Contrast selected theoretical frameworks used in health teaching 3.Use the nursing process to develop, implement, and evaluate a teaching care plan  4.Specify teaching strategies relevant to health teaching  WHO的健康标准 一、心理健康及社会环境适应能力方面 1、有足够充沛的精力,能从容不迫地应付日常生活和的工作压力,而不过分紧张。 2、处世乐观,态度积极,乐于承担责任,事无巨细不挑剔。 3、善于休息,睡眠良好。 4、应变能力强,能适应环境的各种变化。 二、身体方面 1、能够抵抗一般的感冒和传染病。 2、体重适当,身体匀称,站立时头、臂、臀位置协调。 3、眼


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