
东华大学机械原理课件 平面机构的运动分析第二节.ppt

东华大学机械原理课件 平面机构的运动分析第二节.ppt

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Passion - LOVE to Create Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm Ralph Waldo Emerson American author, poet and philosopher The Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Chapter 2. Kinematic Analysis Sun Zhihong Topics of Today Kinematic analysis by vector equation and graphic method 矢量方程图解法对机构进行运动分析 Two Points A 、B at the same link VB = VA + VBA VBA 是B点相对于A点的速度,垂直于AB,与ω同向. Example 1:In a four-bar linkage mechanism ABCD, the length of link AB, BC, CD and AD are known, and the angular velocity of link AB is ω1. Find ω2,ω3,VC,VE. Velocity polygon Velocity polygon is similar to the shape of the link, e.g. velocity polygon △abc ∽ link △ ABC, but the corresponding sides are vertical to each other, and the order of the point are same. Two coincide points B1、B2 at two links VB2=VB1+VB2B1 Example 3: the angular velocity of link AB and the size of all links are known. Please find ω5 求VB--- 用速度公式: VB ? =? ω1LAB 求VC--- 用同一构件两点之间的速度矢量方程: VC ? =? VB? +? VCB 求VD2(VD4)--- 用速度影象法 求VD5---- 用两构件重合点之间的速度矢量方程 求ω5---- 用速度公式 General laws of vector equation and graphic method Examples 4: 图示为摆动从动件盘型凸轮机构,凸轮为一偏心圆盘,其半径r=30mm,偏距e=10mm, lAB=90mm, lBC=30mm,ω1=20rad/s。要求: 1 标出机构的所有瞬心 2 用瞬心法求出此刻C点的速度 vc; 3 用矢量方程图解法求出C点的速度 vc. Method 2: vector equation and graphic method Firstly, replace higher pair with lower pair; Then, enlarge link 2, the velocity relationship between coincidental point O2 and O4 is : ? vO2 ? =? ? vO4?????? + ? vO2O4 大小: ???????? ω1lOA??? ? ? 方向: ⊥BO??? ⊥AO ????? ∥DC?? Example 5: 图示为一柱塞唧筒六杆机构。设已知各构件的尺寸为LAB=140mm,LBC=LCD=420mm,原动件1以等角速度ω1=20rad/s沿顺时针方向回转。求VC 、VE5 、ω2、 ω3。 * * vB p a b vA 速度多边形(Veloci



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