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精品 教学设计: PEP三年级下册 Unit 1 Part A Let’s spell 肥城师范附小 田翠梅 教学目标: 1能听说读写bag, hand ,cat ,dad 2知道a的发音/?/,并能利用发音规律拼读新单词 3懂得团结合作,认真倾听 重点:能听说读写bag, hand ,cat ,dad 难点:知道a的发音/?/,并能运用发音规则读单词 教具:微课,课件,自制教具“编词神器” 教学过程: 一 热身导入 师:Do you like singing songs? 生: 师:Me too. Let’s sing a song first.(课件播放歌曲abc song,师生一起唱) 师:It’s a wonderful song! We like it. Can you tell me which letter is the first letter in all the letters? 生: 师:Yes. A is not only the first of all the letters, is the first of five vowels. a, e, ,o, u are called vowels. The other letters are called consonant letters. So a is a wonderful creatre. Small a brings you a small video. Do you like to see it? 生: (师生观看微课,并与微视频互动) 二 自主学习 师:A is really a good friend. Let’s enter the autonomous learning link. Learn to read four words by yourselves in your group. (开始自主学习,完成课件上的三个自学任务) 检查自学效果 师:Everyone is clever. I found the letter a in four words are the same sound .Oh, I found a secret: small a through into our class. (师带上小a的头饰出现) 师:Hello, boys and girls. I’m the small a. I’m from the UK. I’ll personally teach you today. Listen carefully. (生跟读课件,纠正发音) 三 训练环节 师:I’ll bring you action games. Do you have any confidence? Let’s go! 生: 做闯关游戏 第一关:听读关 任务一:听音圈词 任务二:单词抢读 第二关:说写关 任务一:抓飞机(看图说单词或汉语) 任务二:跟课件学书写并拼读 师示范hand的书写与范读,张贴图片,找生完成其它三个单词的拼读写,完成板书。 第三关:拓展应用关 任务一:Chant(先组内合作学习词句的读音,再跟读chant纠音) 任务二:组内自编单词并拼读(小组合作学习然后进行班级展示) 五 小结 What did you learn? 六Homework Look for friends Find the words read /?/ after class. 结束语: 师:It’s time to go back for me. Byebye!(师摘下小a头饰,与同学们再见。) 板书 Unit 1 A Let’s spell hand bag dad cat


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