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. PAGE . 摘 要 随着信息社会的快速发展,对安全的需求也日益增长。虹膜识别技术作为一种身份识别,以其很高的可靠性得到人们的重视。虹膜识别系统核心一般由图像采集、虹膜定位、归一化、特征提取及编码和训练识别五部分构成。本文介绍了目前虹膜识别的现状,简单阐述了一些经典的虹膜识别算法和技术,并完成识别系统。 在虹膜的定位阶段,首先对图像进行缩放,在不影响后续处理的情况下减小了处理的数据量,然后采用梯度加权的Canny算法进行边缘检测,再对边缘图像,采用圆Hough定位方法,分别定位了虹膜的内外边界。接着采用Radon变换检测直线的方法分割上下眼睑,阈值法除去睫毛干扰。同时也研究了一些文献中分割眼睑和睫毛的方法。 归一化阶段,采用了文献中普遍使用的“Rubber-Sheet”模型,将虹膜归一化为大小的矩形,以利于特征比对。 在虹膜的特征提取及编码阶段,基于信号处理中的空间/频域技术,采用一维Log Gabor滤波器提取虹膜的纹理信息,对滤波结果的实部和虚部分别进行相位量化和编码,同时也对噪声进行处理,获得相应的掩码。 训练识别阶段,采用海明距离度量虹膜之间的相似度,选取最小距离分类器和具有最小错误率的分类阈值形成组合的分类决策规则。整个识别系统主要在中科院V3.0虹膜数据库上进行了测试。 关键词:虹膜识别;虹膜定位;圆Hough变换;Log Gabor小波 . ABSTRACT With the rapid growth of information technology, the demands of information security are ever-growing. As the technology of identification, iris recognition, for its high reliability, gets great attention. Iris recognition system consists of image capturing, iris location, iris normalization, feature extraction and coding and decision training. In this dissertation, the situation of iris recognition is presented. Some practical algorithms and technique are briefly introduced. A system of iris recognition is fulfilled. In iris location stage, image is zoomed to reduce the data volume with less influence on post processing. Afterword, the algorithm of Canny edge detection, with weighted gradient, is adopted. In the edge image, Circular Hough transform is applied to locate the inside and out boundary of iris. Then, linear Radon transform is put to use to detect the eyelids. Eyelashes are eliminated by threshold. In normalization stage, “rubber-sheet” model, in general use, is used t-o unwrap iris image into a rectangle of the same size, for the comparison of characteristics. In feature extraction and coding stage. 1D Log Gabor filters are used to filter the iris texture features in the space-frequency domain. Then, the real part and the image part is quantized by phase encoding respectively. Besides, the processing of noise to generates mask. In decision training sta


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