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炼油厂污水处理工艺设计 PAGE 36 炼油厂污水处理毕业论文 炼油厂污水处理站工艺设计 摘要:炼油污水是炼油化工行业生产、运行过程中产生的不可直接利用的污染水,它是国内工业废水的重要组成部分。炼油行业是环境污染较为严重的行业,从原料到产品,从生产到使用,都存在造成环境污染的因素。 受生产工艺和产品的影响,炼油污水的水质、水量变化复杂,有机污染物浓度不同,是难处理的工业废水之一。目前,国内炼油污水处理手段以生化为主,辅以一些物理方法如絮凝、沉淀等。 本工艺设计针对炼油污水的水质、水量的特点,力求做到经济、高效,采用了传统的、有成功设计、运行经验的活性污泥法,辅以物理方法;生化部分采用改造的多点进水的运行方式,工艺流程见如下,处理后出水可达到国家石油化工行业污水排放一级标准。 格栅—调节池—平流式隔油池—混合反应池—气浮池—生物接触氧化池—二沉池—达标排放 本设计说明书较全面地叙述了设计方案的选择与论证、处理构筑物的设计计算、处理站平面布置和高程布置及工程概算等内容。 关键词:炼油污水,处理站,隔油,生物接触氧化 Puyang refinery process design sewage treatment station Abstract: The chemical industry, oil refinery production and refinery wastewater, generated during the operation of the contaminated water can not be directly used, it is the important part of industrial wastewater.Refining industry is more serious environmental pollution, the industry, from raw materials to product, from production to use, there are factors that cause environmental pollution. By the impact of production processes and products, oil refining wastewater quality and quantity are complex, with different concentrations of organic pollutants, is one of intractable industrial waste.Currently, the domestic oil refining to chemical and biological wastewater treatment methods, supplemented by some physical methods such as flocculation, precipitation. The process design for refinery effluent water quality, water features, and strive to achieve economy, efficiency, using the traditional, a successful design and operation experience of the activated sludge method, supplemented by physical methods; biochemical some more progress with transformation run the water, see the following process, the treated effluent can reach the national level, the petrochemical industry effluent discharge standards. Grid - Adjustment Pool - Rectangular grease trap - Mixed reaction cell - flotation tank - biological contact oxidation pond - the secondary sedimentation tank - discharge standards The design specification more comprehensive account of the choic


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