Cost managment∶accounting and control 第十四章解答手册.doc

Cost managment∶accounting and control 第十四章解答手册.doc

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PAGE PAGE 315 CHAPTER 14 quality cost management questions for writing and discussion 1. All quality costs are incurred because poor quality may or does exist. 2. Prevention costs are incurred to prevent defects in products; appraisal costs are costs incurred to determine whether products are conforming to specifications; internal failure costs are incurred when nonconforming products are detected prior to shipment; external failure costs are incurred because nonconforming products are delivered to customers. 3. External failure costs can be more devastating because of warranty costs, lawsuits, and damage to the reputation of a company, all of which may greatly exceed the costs of rework or scrap incurred from internal failure costs. 4. Agree. It is poor quality, not good quality, that is costly. All quality costs exist because poor quality may or does exist. 5. Interim quality standards are used to mea-sure a firm’s progress toward better quality within a given period. 6. Interim quality reports are used to measure quality improvement with respect to a current-period standard; multiple-period reports are used to measure quality improvement with respect to a base period; long-range reports are used to measure progress toward achieving the goal of zero defects. 7. Both monetary and nonmonetary incentives can be used to motivate employees. For example, employees can be given a bonus that is equal to a fixed percentage of the savings from a suggestion that improved a product’s quality (referred to as gainsharing). Additionally, awards of excellence can be used to recognize those employees who make outstanding quality contributions. 8. Firms should spend about 2.5% of sales on quality costs. The potential savings from quality improvement is $31 million [$36 million (0.18 ? $200 million) – $5 million (0.025 ? $200 million)]. 9. A quality cost report shows the amount of cost for each category as well as the relative cost of each category. This report requires


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