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摘 要 PAGE I 摘 要 本文设计、制作了一种基于USB接口的脉搏检测仪,硬件电路包括数据采集电路、放大滤波电路、控制电路及电源电路。其中数据采集部分采用的是光电脉搏传感器;放大电路采用了AD620;滤波电路由二阶有源低通滤波器构成;控制电路选用了带USB控制器、ADC的微控制器C8051F320;仪器软件设计分MCU固件程序设计、USB设备驱动程序设计、数据采集程序设计及软件滤波程序设计等四部分组成。仪器的硬件、软件各部分配合良好,测试所得脉搏波形能够正确反映人体脉搏的真实特征。该仪器同时具有使用、携带方便等优点,现场测试表明:本系统已达到预期设计要求。 关键词:脉搏 光电传感器 低通滤波 基线漂移 C8051F320 Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract In this paper, design and production of a kind of pulse detector based on USB interface, enlarge hardware circuit including data acquisition circuit and filter circuit, control circuit and power circuit. The data acquisition part adopts photoelectric pulse sensor; Amplifier AD620 is adopted; Filter circuit composed of second-order active low-pass filter; Control circuit selects the microcontroller with USB controller and ADC with C8051F320; Instrument software design of MCU firmware program design, USB device driver design, data acquisition program design and the design of the software filtering programs of four parts. The parts of hardware and software of the instrument with good, testing the pulse waveform can correctly reflect the real characteristics of the pulse of the human body. The instrument also has the advantages of use, easy to carry, field test shows that this system has reached the expected design requirements. Keywords:Pulse Photosensor Low pass filtering C8051F320 USB interface 目 录 目 录 PAGE 43 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc24135 摘 要 l _Toc15014 Abstract l _Toc30789 第一章 引言 l _Toc2784 1.1脉搏检测仪研究现状和未来的发展趋势 l _Toc26006 1.2 设计研究的内容 l _Toc32529 1.2.1 脉搏波检测电路 l _Toc21050 1.2.3信号采集及处理系统 l _Toc25759 第二章 系统硬件设计 l _Toc2497 2.1传感器电路设计 l _Toc17813 2.1.1传感器的定义与组成 l _Toc4063 2.1.2光电容积式麦博传感器的原理 l _Toc31074 2.1.3光电传感器的电路设计 l _Toc24227 2.1.4光电式脉搏传感器实验测量和噪声分析 l _Toc6322 2.2放大滤波电路设计 l _Toc32641 2.2.1放大电路的设计 l _Toc21715 2.2.2低通滤波电路设计 l _Toc7563 2.3 USB总线简介 l _Toc30601 2.3.1 USB体系结构 l _Toc25228 2.4 MCU及外围电路设计 l _Toc13887 2.4.1 C8051F320介绍 l _Toc15842 2.4.2 USB寄存器访问 l


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