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This is the application AT89S51 microcontroller theory and control theory, music performance controller hardware, and using C51 microcontroller programming language. By controlling the MCU’s internal timer to generate square waves of different frequencies to drive speakers make different musical tones, and then use delay to control the length of pronunciation. The music into the corresponding time constants can be played from the sound equipment out of melodious music. In addition, the circuit can be easily added to the buttons control music playback, a simple display circuit and the corresponding keys, can clearly play order. This control circuit is simple, high reliability and strong applicability; software program to adapt to a wide range of different music just for the appropriate time constant change can be. MCU is used keil software more convenient. As the hardware design is simple, it is not easy to go wrong when welding, and convenient debugging. On the MCU and music lovers have some reference value.
Keywords: microcontroller; control;music player;
TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 h I
Abstract h II
1绪论 h 1
1.1立题背景 h 1
1.2音乐与音乐播放器 h 2
1.2.1音乐 h 2
1.2.2音乐播放器 h 3
2硬件的电路设计 h 3
2.1单片机的复位电路的设计 h 3
2.2显示电路设计 h 4
2.2.1 LED基本理论知识 h 4
2.2.2发光二极管的检测 h 6
2.2.3数码管与单片机的简单接口实验 h 7
2.3单片机的振荡电路的设计 h 8
2.4 控制电路设计 9
2.5 LM386音频功率放大器 h 10
3软件实现 h 12
3.1音乐产生的方法 h 12
3.2程序设计流程图 h 17
3.3定时器/计数器的选择 h 18
3.3.1定时器的选择 h 18
3.3.2 89S51定时功能及工作方式选择 h 18
3.3.3 计数器 h 19
3.4定时器/计数器的控制寄存器 h 19
3.5中断 h 21
3.5.1定时中断源 h 21
3.5.2中断控制 h 21
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