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基于PRO/E的手机上盖注塑模设计 摘要:随着制造业和计算机软硬件的发展,模具已经得到了快速发展和广泛的应用,在模具工业不断发展的今天,计算机辅助设计以其先进的设计方式已经逐渐成为模具设计的主流方式,其在生产制造中使用得最为广泛。PRO/E作为计算机辅助设计的常用软件,具有强大的二维草绘和三维设计功能,在注塑模具的设计起到了很重要的作用。本论文以手机上盖注塑模具为例,对其结构、注塑工艺进行了分析设计。在PRO/E环境下,对手机上盖注塑模具进行了设置参照模型、设置收缩、添加毛坯文件、创建主分型面及分割型芯的分型面、创建流道、分割体积块、冷却系统设计、顶出机构设计等设计,并介绍了设计过程中的原则,从而展现使用PRO/E进行注塑模具设计的优越性。 关键词:手机上盖;注塑模;PRO/E;计算机辅助设计 Design of Injection Mold for the Cover of Mobile Phone Based on PRO/E Student majoring in mechanical and Electronic Engineering Tutor Zhang Dongfang Abstract:With the development of manufacturing industry and the computer software and hardware, mould has been rapid development and wide application, In the development of the mould industry today, computer aided design is a main way of the mold design has its advanced design, the manufacture is the most widely used. PRO/E as the common software of computer aided design, with a strong two-dimensional sketch and three-dimensional design function, to a very important role in the design of injection mold for the. In this paper, mobile phone cover injection mold for example, analyzes the design of its structure, injection molding process. In the PRO/E environment, the mobile phone cover injection mold was set the reference model, shrinkage, add a blank document, create the main parting surface and split core type face, creating a runner, size of block partition, the design of the cooling system, ejection mechanism design, and introduce the principles of the design process using PRO/E, which shows the superiority of the injection mold design. Key words: Mobile phone cover; Injection mould; PRO/E; CAD 引言 模具是工业生产的重要装备,在各种材料加工工业中广泛地使用着各种模具,75%以上的金属制品(含半成品),95%以上的塑料制品是通过模具(包括压延辊筒)来成型的。采用模具加工产品具有生产率高、操作简便、质量好,切削少,节约能源和原材料,成本低便于实现机械化和自动化等一系列的优点。模具是机械、电子等行业的基础工业,它对国民经济和社会的发展起着越来越大的作用。 注塑成型作为一种重要的成型加工方法,在家电行业、汽车工业、机械工业等都有广泛的应用,且生产的制件具有精度高、复杂度高、一致性高、生产率和消耗低的特点,有很大的市场需求和良好的发展前景。随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,工业领域的三维设计软件也得到了前所未有的发展,各种三维CAD/CAM软件系统应运而生,各具特色,其中PTC(美国参数技术)公司开发的PRO


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