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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于PLC升降横移式立体车库控制系统设计 学 院: 电子信息学 专业班级: 测控技术与仪器2009级2班 西安工程大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 摘 要 自从1994年国家制定了汽车产业政策,将汽车产业作为国家的支柱产业以来,有效地刺激了汽车工业的生产和发展,特别是近年来人们经济收入的快速增长和生活水平的不断改善,轿车急增使城市停车难问题日益突出,不仅影响了道路交通顺畅,破坏了城市的绿化和美化,而且污染了城市观瞻,随着中国加入WTO之后,这些问题将会越来越严重, 从新加坡、日本等许多经济发达国家的成功经验可以看出,建立立体停车库不失为解决城市“停车难”的理想手段,而且必将成为一个独具特色的阳光产业。 目前常见的机械式立体停车库有升降横移式、垂直循环式、多层循环式、水平循环式、平面移动式、巷道堆垛式、垂直升降类和简易升降式8种,其中升降横移类以其结构简单、操作方便、安全可靠、造价低等优点,在国内车库市场占有83%的市场份额。可编程控制器(PLC)集微机技术、自动化技术、通讯技术为一体,可靠性强、性价比高、设计紧凑、扩展性好、操作方便,因此在自动停车系统中通常作为电控核心。对于规模较大的系统,还可使用工业现场总线构成PLC网络,实现自动控制。 关键字:自动控制,立体车库,PLC ABSTRACT Since 1994, the state policy to develop the automobile industry, the car industry as a pillar industry of the country has been effective in stimulating the production and development of the automotive industry, especially in recent years the rapid growth of income and living standards continue to improve, car emergency increase so that the city parking is difficult problems have become increasingly prominent, not only affects the smooth road, destroyed the citys greening and beautification, and pollution of the city unsightly, as China joined the WTO, these problems will become more severe, from Singapore, Japan and many successful experiences of developed economies can be seen, the establishment of solid garage may well solve the city, parking is difficult, the ideal means, but the sun will become a unique industry. Current common mechanical parking equipment with lifting and transferring, vertical circulation, multi-loop, horizontal circular, flat mobile, laneway, vertical lifting type and easy lift eight kinds, including lifting and transferring class of its simple structure, convenient operation, safe and reliable, and low cost in the domestic market share of 83% of the garage of the market share. Programmable controller (PLC) set of computer technology, automation technology, communications technology



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