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38 4 () Vol.38, No.4 2008 7 Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities andSocial Sciences) July 2008 DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.2008.04.0 16 冲突处理模式的维度划分与测量 宝贡敏 赵卓嘉 ( , 310058) [ ] , , , 。 , 。 , 、、、, ———CMS、MODE、OCCI、CMMS ROCI-Ⅱ。 , 、 , , 、、。 。 [] ;;; The Conflict-HandlingModes:A eview of Multi-Dimensional Models and Assessment of Classic Measuring Instruments B o G ongmin Zh o Zhuoji (Dep artment of Enterp rise Management, Zhej iang University , H angzhou 310058, China) Abstract:A s n inevit ble phenomenon of d ily life in org niz tions, conflicts lw y s exert v ri ble effects on w ork groups nd their members.Either function l or dysfunction l outcomes re ttributed to the content nd intensity of conflict, nd the w y to de l w ith them is lso import nt .A w ise nd re son ble choice of the The conflict str tegies w ill directly influence not only the rel tionship between group members, but lso their output nd perform nce to some extent .T he conflict-h ndling-mode is multi-dimension l concept.N ow d y s, tw o-dimension l models re the m instre m, w hich gener lly c tegories conflict-m n ging methods into five ones —competing, coll bor tion, compromising, voiding nd obliging.According to the theoretic l models, there re five cl ssic sc les —CMS, MODE, OCCI, CM MS, ROCI-Ⅱ— nd ll of them re empiric lly v lid ted nd supported to v rying degrees.Comp ring the item content nd psychometric properties of e ch sc le, we c n find both dv nt ges nd dis dv nt ges in them, especi lly some common nd notice ble shortcomings, such s low reli bilities, simple [] 2008-01-15 [] [] 1., , , , ;2. , , , 。 4  :


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