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教学学院 数学与计算机科学学院
TOC \o 1-2 \h \u in order to design a practical player Have solved MCI function and ordered the name type of news and function problem at first. Secondly, it is through analyzing the concrete course that the media broadcasts, what things application program needs doing during the process of turning on apparatus of media, add the code supported to the course into application program. Moreover, to the procedure structure roughly outline of the application program, and then improve the design of the procedure frame, design of the appearance of the application program. Finally, a key one to write, realize code to show the media realize the basic function of the player most too.
Compared to this software with other same type multimedia player, have small, form of broadcasting supported more, systematic resources occupy few advantages. Support the tabulation of broadcasting to edit, support the function of opening, save of the file at the same time.Though the volume is very small, the one that has finished to the common audio frequency , video media basically has broadcast the function.
Mainly elaborates this thesis is of some work done while designing the system, including the analysis of the demand of the system, detailed design, system design and system, and explains some common functions and characteristics of the system, so that the user use.
Key words: VC ActiveX Multimedia System Design
1. 引言
1.1 MFC简介
MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes),是一个微软公司提供的类库(class libraries),以C++类的形式封装了Windows的API,并且包含一个应用程序框架,以减少应用程序开发人员的工作量。其中包含的类包含大量Windows句柄封装类和很多Windows的内建控件和组件的封装类。MFC 是Win API与C++的结合,API,即微软提供的Windows下应用程序的编程语言接口,是一种软件编程的规范,但不是一种程序开发语言本身,可以允许用户使用各种各样的第三方(如我是一方,微软是一方,Borland就是第三方)的编程语言来进行对Windows下应用程序的开发,使这些被开发出来的应用程序能在Windows下运行.这种结合一方面让用户使用微软的专业C++ SDK来进行W
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