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I I PAGE PAGE IV 中文摘要 文化是人类社会的产物,是为了人的需要、通过人的劳动而产生和发展的, 指引着人类社会的进步。科技发展迅猛的今天,文化问题日益凸显,成为社会 发展的一个难题。而马克思主义的诞生,为人类社会文化发展提供了新的理论 视野。马克思主义文化观正是在批判地继承人类历史上许多优秀文化理论的基 础上创立起来的,是“吸取其精华、剔除其糟粕”的结果。在新的历史条件下, 挖掘和整理马克思主义文化观并推动它的时代化意义重大。 本文的主体部分由四章组成: 第一章“导论”。主要介绍了本文的选题依据和意义,并对国内外研究现状 进行了总结和概述,指出了本文的研究思路、研究方法以及研究的重点、难点 和创新点。 第二章系统阐述了文化的内涵和马克思主义文化观的主要内容。马克思主 义文化观是国内外马克思主义学者对马克思文化观的继承与发扬,马克思主义 文化观的建立是对人类社会旧有的文化观念的批判和超越,是文化思想史上的 一次伟大的变革。 第三章具体阐述了马克思主义文化观时代化的重要意义。本章首先通过分 析时代化的基本内涵及其特征表明时代化到底是什么;又通过分析当代文化发 展的基本特征来表明文化发展的重要性;最后揭示出在当今中国社会马克思主 义文化观的时代化具有重要意义。 第四章主要阐述了马克思主义文化观如何在我国实现时代化。力图从如何 更好地推动社会主义文化建设事业的角度出发,进一步挖掘和彰显马克思主义 文化观的当代价值,深化对社会主义和谐社会发展进程和基本规律的认识,从 而更好地推动建设一个社会主义文化事业大发展大繁荣的理想社会。 关键词:马克思主义;文化观;时代化 ABSTRACT Culture is a product of human society. It is generated by human labor and society development, and in return provides guidelines for the development of human society. At present, with the rapid development of science and technology, cultural issues become increasingly prominent, and they have already been social problems. However, the birth of Marxism brings new theoretical vision for human society and culture. Marxist Culture Theory based on many outstanding cultural theories in the history of mankind, is a result of absorbing their essence and eliminating their dregs. In the new era, it is of great importance to dig, organize and modernize Marxist Culture Theory. The main part of this dissertation consists of four chapters: Chapter one is introduction, which introduces the basis and meaning of this research, summarizes the research status at home and abroad, and points out the design, method, emphasis, difficulties and innovation of this paper. Chapter two illustrates the connotation of culture and the main contents of Marxist Culture Theory. Marxist Culture Theory generates from the works of Marxist scholars at home and abroad, who have been inheriting and carrying forward the cultural view of Karl Marx. The establishment of Marxist Culture Theory criticizes and transc



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