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Review on Collective Wedding of the Republic of China Abstract In the Republic of China, the economic getting in destitution increasingly, luxury of old type wedding being the obstacle of the economic, the voice of reforming the old type marriage increasing, the influence of “civilized marriage” in modern times, and the promotion of the New Life Movement, all these caused the introduction and prosperity of Collective Wedding which was characterized as being concise, economical, solemn etc..It lived through the War of Resistance Against Japan, and set off a new upsurge after the war. Collective Wedding came from the Civilized Marriage, and played a positive role to a certain extent in transforming social traditions, advancing social stabilization and strengthening the state control over marriage. It didn’t go deep into the masses not only because of the disequilibrium in regions and ranks, but the failing exertion.Collective Wedding was simple an improvement of wedding, not a radical reform of marriage system. It didn’t prevail as a major type due to the low of productivity, the reinforcement of the educational function and feasibility of traditional wedding ceremony and so on. Key Words : Collective Wedding; Civilized Marriage ; characteristic ; influence 目 录 前 言 1 一、集团结婚产生的背景 3 1.社会经济日趋凋敝3 2.旧婚礼的弊端须革除5 3.改革旧婚俗的呼声日益高涨6 4.前期文明结婚的影响9 5.三十年代新生活运动兴起11 二、集团结婚的产生和发展 12 1.抗战前集团结婚的产生12 2.集团结婚的发展16 三、集团结婚的特点 20 1.简洁性20 2.经济性21 3.庄严性23 4.官方倡导24 四、集团结婚的积极影响 26 1.移风易俗26 2.促进社会安定29 3.国家对婚姻的管理加强31 4、对文明结婚的继承和发展34 五、集团结婚的局限性 35 1.不平衡性35 2.贯彻实施的不彻底性38 六、余论 39 参考文献 42 后 记 45 附: 读研期间科研论文及获奖情况一览表 46 — — PAGE 1— 民 国 集 团 结 婚 探 微 前 言 集团结婚也就是集体婚礼,是以婚礼仪式而命名的,是当时历史条件下 的特定称谓。它不是一种婚姻形态或婚姻制度,而是在近代文明结婚的基础 上产生的婚礼形式,是指各对结婚人在同一时间、同一地点、同一主婚人主 持下举行文明结婚,是单个文明结婚的集体化。 集团结婚起源于意大利,在墨索里尼执政时期尤为盛行,规定每年 10 月 30 日为集团结婚日期,鼓励生育。据载:1933 年意大利参加集团结婚的夫妇 共有 2600 多对,结婚仪式非常简单。新婚夫妇先是集队去罗马圣玛利亚教堂 举行庄严、典雅的婚礼,再到政府大会堂,由墨索里尼的秘书把一个个信封 分发给新婚夫妇。信封中,有墨索里尼亲笔签名的颂词和一张面额为 500 里 拉的支票,价值 50 美金,以备将来新夫妇生育之用。晚上,新夫妇结队到法 迪坎宫参见教



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