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马克思科学观与拉图尔行动者网络理论比较研究2 马克思科学观与拉图尔行动者网络理论比较研究 2015 届硕士研究生毕业论文 万方数据 万方数据 展科学研究的基本指导思想。而拉图尔行动者网络理论消解了传统的二元划分 法,即:消解了自然与社会、人与自然、主体与客体、人与非人的二元划分法。 马克思科学观发展了现代西方科学社会学,彻底的阐述了现代科学技术与自然、 社会和人的关系,深刻揭示了现代科学技术的本质。可以说,马克思的社会科学 观是理解科学社会学的前提。拉图尔的社会科学观则开拓了科学哲学研究的新视 野,拉图尔以实践本体论为建构原则,通过科学实践本身来促进人与非人、自然 与社会的结合,改变了传统以往科学哲学画地为牢的研究模式,拓展了科学哲学 研究的视野。马克思人本科学观提出了以实践论为本体论的哲学解释原则,以“现 实人”代替“逻辑人”,肯定科学哲学的历史性和社会性,突出主体人在科学活 动中的主观能动作用。拉图尔的人本科学观主张从网络建构中去理解人、把握人、 建构人,创建属于他们自己的网络,以期实现行动者网络系统内部各要素之间的 平等、和谐与互动。 关键词:马克思;科学观;拉图尔;行动者网络;比较 2 Abstract Marxs scientific concept is the creation of an inevitable historical materialism. Marxs scientific concept of the historical process can be divided into roughly three stages: First, studies of natural philosophy Marxs early period; the second is the creation of Marxist philosophy period; third period of Marxist economics. Marxs doctoral thesis was marked by early philosophical study of nature, Marxs philosophy is founded Marxist scientific outlook period officially formed an important symbol, Marxs scientific concept of economic research in their practical application period has been, and deeper into the capital practice mode of production. Marxs scientific concept includes not only as a natural science, as a social science, but also as a man of science. Marxs understanding of human science and grasp the reality of human emancipation is the ultimate purpose. Our vision of Marxs theory of scientific concept to grasp and answer, you need to do the following three points: First, the natural sciences grasp of Marx and answers, based on the philosophy of Marxs historical materialism is the prerequisite for understanding; two is that for Marx social scientific certainty and answer, based on the scientific concept of ontological understanding of Marxist principle; third is that for Marxs scientific certainty and answers, based on the reality of 3 human emancipation Marx ultimate purpose. Science as social capital gradually infiltrated into the whole production process,


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