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北京理工大学珠海学院2010届本科毕业论文 PAGE PAGE V On the Brevity of Modern English ABSTRACT In this ever-increasing competitive society , life today moves much faster than ever before. As an important tool by means of which people communicate, and exchange ideas and information with one other, languages as well show a trend towards simplification and brevity so as to adapt themselves to the fast pace of modern life. To take the simple and less complicated way has become the build-in attribute as well as law of development shared by all languages.Modern English is a typical example as such.This essay looks into and analyses the brevity of modern English from several aspects.Peculiar writing styles like Business English ,advertising English,and English of Journalism, and pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure will be discussed. Keyword : modern English brevity simplification 现代英语的简洁 摘 要 随着社会的发展,竞争日趋激烈,人们的生活节奏不断加快。语言作为人们交流思想传递信息的工具,为适应高效率的生活方式也出现了不断简化的趋势。同世界上任何一个语言一样,英语经历了漫长的,不断发展变化的历史过程,分析和研究英语的历史,不难发现,近代英语具有一个明显的特征:简洁表达。避繁趋简是语言公有的固有属性及发展规律。英语相对汉语而言有其独到的简洁性,文章从语音,词汇,句法结构,以及新闻英语,商务英语,,广告英语等注重简洁的特殊文体几个角度,就其表达的简洁予以分析。 关键词:近代英语 简洁 简化 CONTENTS TOC \o 1-4 \u ABSTRACT h I 摘 要 h II 1 Introduction h 1 2. The brevity of English h 2 2.1 In the field of Journalism English h 2 2.1.1 Omission h 2 Omitting the article h 2 Omitting the preposition h 3 Omitting the linking verbs and auxiliary verb h 4 Replacing the conjunctions with a comma h 4 Using elliptical sentences h 4 2.1.2 Abbreviation h 5 Using premodification h 5 Using participial phrases h 6 Using blending words,acronyms,curtailed words h 6 Conversion h 7 Using idioms, proverbs h 8 Creatively using adverbs h 8 2.2 In the field of Advertising English h 8 2.2.1 Use of a lot of monosyllables h 9 2.2.2 Use of a lot of elliptical sentences h 9 2.2.3 Use of a lot of juxtaposition of phrases h 9 2.2.4 Use of a lot of nonce-words h 10 2.2. 5 Use of a lot of sentences where subjects ar


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