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西安工程大学本科毕业设计(论文) 3 - 摘 要 当牛仔面料在服装界兴起,我们就一直看着牛仔布带着与生俱来的一抹蓝招摇过市,为牛仔服装的流行推波助澜。如今,牛仔面料已成长为服装面料家族的主要成员。牛仔蓝,很美,她既有西部牛仔的粗犷豪放,又具多瑙河之波的甘美芳纯,让人无法拒绝。 本文由牛仔面料的起源入手了解牛仔是如何随着社会的发展以及文化的影响下一直流行到今天。随着潮流的推动,牛仔面料中也运用了越来越多的元素,并且由此延伸到生活中的各个方面。 牛仔面料在服装界有着不可被替代的魅力。牛仔面料因其不拘一格的穿着方式迎合了现代人的审美意识和崇尚自由的心理需求,再加上它同步时尚的不断创新,使得人们对它“情有独钟”,更使它得以在全球服饰之苑里独傲群芳。 关键词:牛仔面料,流行,牛仔蓝 ABSTRACT When wearing a denim rise in the clothing sector, we have been watching with denim born with a hint of blue streets. wearing denim to add fuel to the flames of the epidemic. Today, denim has grown to Fabric key members of the family. Blue jeans, beautiful, she established the cowboy straightforwardness, with the Danube Wave Ganmeifang net, making it impossible for refusal. This paper cowboy from start to understand the origin of denim is how With the development of society and culture under the influence has been popular to this day. Along with the trend of promoting, denim also use more and more elements, and this extends to life in all its aspects. Stampede in the clothing sector has not been replaced charm. Denim because of the way they dress, without sticking to meet the modern aesthetic awareness and advocating freedom of psychological needs, It simultaneously coupled with the continual innovation fashion, it makes people special favor better enable it to the global apparel Courts independence proud Qunfang Lane. KEY WORDS:Cowboy lining,Popular,Blue jeans 目 录 前言 …………………………………………………………………………………5 第一章 牛仔装的发展历程…………………………………………………………6 第一节 牛仔装的起源……………………………………………………………6 第二节 牛仔装的流行与发展……………………………………………………7 第二章 牛仔装的多元化风格………………………………………………………9 第一节 越来越舒适的牛仔面料…………………………………………………9 一、牛仔面料的沙洗处理 ……………………………………………………9 二、牛仔面料的时装化发展 …………………………………………………9 第二节 多样化的结构造型………………………………………………………9 第三节 越来越丰富的色彩………………………………………………………10 第三章 牛仔装与现代服装设计……………………………………………………12 第一节 牛仔装在服装设计中的演变……………………………………………12 一、牛仔装在生活中的演变 …………………………………………………12 二、展示个性的牛仔装 ………………………………………………………13 (一)黑色牛仔 ………………


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