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重庆邮电大学移通学院本科毕业设计(论文) I 基于.NET的新闻发布系统 摘 要 随着信息时代的高速发展,传统的报纸杂志已经远远满足不了人们的需求,人们更加希望于能够在网上了解更多的新闻和信息,于是我们就很有必要在网上创建一个新闻发布系统了。 新闻发布系统就是充当一个网络新闻媒介的功能,主要实现对新闻的分类,审核,发布,模拟了一般新闻媒介的发布过程,新闻发布系统作为网络媒体的核心系统,其重要性是越来越重要。 本系统采用B/S架构进行开发,使用当前流行的ASP.NET技术进行开发,开发环境采用VS2008进行开发,数据库使用SQL2005数据库来存储数据信息。从功能上来说,系统是比较完备的,系统以Web界面与用户交互,为用户提供信息并接受其操作,同时通过数据库管理系统来存储信息数据。系统实现了对信息数据的浏览、查询、编辑和管理等基本数据库操作,采用了模块化设计方法,根据用户的需求及程序的应用与维护的易用性,将各个部分置于不同的模块当中。 前台用户模块主要是实现新闻的浏览、对新闻进行评论、用户注册等功能;后台管理模块主要实现管理现有新闻、添加新闻内容、新闻评论管理、管理新闻类别、管理系统用户等功能。 【关键词】:ASP.NET 新闻发布 SQL 2005 Abstract With the rapid development of the information times, the traditional newspapers and magazines have been far from meeting the needs of people, people are hoping to be able to learn more news and information on the Internet, so it is necessary to create an online news release system. News release system acts as a network media function including categories, review, publishing of news, it also simulates the general news media publishing process. The news release system also acts as the core system of Internet media, it is increasingly important. The system adopts B / S architecture for development and uses the current popular for technology development.VS2008 is used as development environment and SQL2005 is used as database to store data. From the functional point of view, the system is relatively complete. Web interface with the system to users in the world, providing information to users and accept its operation, and through the database management system to store information. System to achieve data browse information, referral, editing and management of basic database operations, the use of modular system design methodology, based on user demand and application procedures and the maintenance of the user-friendly nature, each component will be placed in different modules. Front desk module is mainly achieved news browsing, commentary of news, user registration. Backstage management module is mainly achieved the management of exi


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