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PAGE 8 摘 要 随着社会信息科学的发展,控制理论和电子技术也在不断更新,基于微控制器的高度智能化测控技术逐步成为现实。其中以单片机为核心实现数字控制器因其体积小、成本低、功能强、简便易行而得到了广泛的应用。室内湿度测控由于其重要性的日益突出,技术也越来越成熟。本文主要讨论基于AT89S51单片机的以HS1101作为前端湿敏元件的室内湿度检测系统。 本系统采用层次化、模块化设计,以HS1101湿敏芯片的传感器作为测量的器件,所得到的数据经过NE555振荡电路处理后,通过ADC0809模数转换器件接入到AT89S51单片机,以单片机为核心对数据进行记录、存储、处理和报警。本文在设计过程中主要做了以下几个方面的工作:一是讨论并选择系统的总体设计方案;二是对传感器、A/D转换器和单片机进行设计和选择;三是对单片机及其跟PC机进行通信的接口进行电路及软件系统的设计。 本系统的设计还处于理论阶段,是在论证了各种方案和搜集了各种的资料后提出的一种切实可行的室内湿度监测系统。本系统完全满足一般小实验室的湿度测控系统的要求,实现了对室内湿度状况的全面、实时和长期的监测,也实现了室内湿度检测的自动化智能化。 关键词: AT89S51;HS1101;AD转换器;RS-232;传感器 Abstract With the social development of information science, control theory and electronic technology has been updated too, based on the micro-controller, the technology of highly intelligent micro-controller monitoring has gradually become a reality. Among them, single-chip digital controller as the core because of their small size, low cost, powerful, simple and widely used. Indoor humidity measurement and controlling has been growing importance because of the prominent and the more and more mature technology. This article focused on a single chip AT89S51 based HS1101 humidity sensor as a front-end indoor humidity detection system. The system has a hierarchical, modular design, and uses HS1101 humidity sensor chip as a measurement device. The data obtained after treatment NE555 oscillator circuit through the ADC0809 AD converter connecting to the AT89S51 micro-controller, a single machine as the core of the data record, storage, processing and alarm. In this paper, the main job of the design is the following points: First, to discuss the overall design and program so to select the appropriate system; Second, design and selection of the sensor, A / D converter, and a single-chip; third is a Micro \o Controller PDF资料和全国供应商 Controller Unit to communicate with the PC interface and software systems for circuit design. The design of the system is still in the theoretical stage, and it is to demonstrate a variety of programs and colle


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