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1 绪论 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:体育竞走项目智能辅助裁判系统——软件部分 系 别: 电子信息系 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 摘要 Ⅱ Ⅰ 摘要 体育竞走项目智能辅助裁判系统—软件部分 竞走运动是田径比赛中引起运动员、教练与裁判纠纷最多的体育项目,究其原因是:比赛规则中的“没有肉眼可见腾空”,而42ms是人的眼睛可见腾空与否的界限,加上天气、阳光、角度、注意力和眨眼睛等等都会影响裁判的正确判断。利用单片机对铺设在鞋垫中的开关阵传感器检测到的信号进行判断,可以进行对运动员是否有“双脚腾空”犯规动作的检测、记录、声光报警和无线传输等的客观裁判,是一种公平公正的电子智能辅助裁判系统。 本文提出的这种竞走智能辅助裁判系统由运动员主、辅机和运动员腕表显示机三个部分构成。运动员主、辅机能够通过开关阵传感器采集运动员的“腾空”犯规信息,并能够将这些信息以无线传输的形式传送给腕表显示机进行显示及报警。同时,主机还将运动员整个比赛的信息存储下来,供比赛结束后进行参考核实。 本系统采用携带在运动员身上的传感器作为犯规检测组件,保证了信息获取的准确、及时,能有效防止错判和漏判的情况出现。本系统功能完备、智能化程度高,具有较大的实用价值和经济意义。 关键词:竞走;犯规;单片机;无线收发器;智能 Abstract Intelligent Assistant Sports Walking Race referee system software components Walking is a track and field competition caused by athletes, coaches and referees dispute most sports, the reason: the game rules no one eye visible and bounce , , 42ms is the human eye visible vacant or not instead of watershed; weather, sunshine, angle, attention and blinked etc will be the correct judgment referees. Use the SCM to burial in the insole for the pressure sensor detects that the judge can complete an athlete for the feet to jump into the foul actions of detection, records, sound and light alarm and wireless transmission of objective judgment, is a fair and impartial referee intelligent electronics. This article proposes a walking race Intelligent Assistant Referee system, this system is made up of players master, auxiliary equipment and athletes watch displays machine three-part. Players can pass primary and auxiliary pressure (pressure sensitive) sensors capture athletes vacant foul information, and be able to use this information to wireless transmissions are sent to watch displays machine for display and report to the police. At the same time, the host also athletes the match information stored, for after the match for reference verification. This system uses a carriage in athletes sensor as foul detection components, ensuring that the information gets ac


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