Learning Styles Questionnaire学习风格问卷.doc

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LEARNING STYLE QUIZ Learning Styles Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning style or styles. Over the years you have probably developed ways of learning that have helped you to benefit more from some experiences than others. As you are probably unaware of these differences, this questionnaire will help you pinpoint your learning experiences so that you are in a better position to select the learning method that suits your style. The questionnaire should take no longer than ten minutes to complete. The accuracy of the results depends on how honest you are. There are no right or wrong answers. If you agree more than you disagree with a statement put a tick in the box next to it. If you disagree more than you agree with a statement put a cross in the box next to it. ? 1. I often act without considering the possible consequences. ? 2. When I hear about a new idea or approach I immediately start working out how to apply it in practice. ? 3. I am keen on self-discipline such as watching my diet, taking regular exercise, sticking to a fixed routine, etc. ? 4. I take pride in doing a thorough job. ? 5. I get on best with logical, analytical people and less well with spontaneous, ‘irrational’ people. ? 6. I’m attracted more to novel, unusual ideas than to practical ones. ? 7. In discussions I like to get straight to the point. ? 8. I am careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly. ? 9. I prefer to respond to events in a spontaneous, flexible way rather than to plan things in advance. ? 10. I think that decisions made on a thorough analysis of all the information are sounder than those based on intuition ? 11. I tend to be a perfectionist. ? 12. More often than not, rules are there to be broken. ? 13. I can often see better, more practical ways to get things done. ? 14. If I have a report to write I tend to produce lots of drafts before settling on the final version. ? 15. In discussions I often find I am the realist, ke


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