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PAGE 唐 山 学 院 毕 业 论 文 论文题目:销售人员工作倦怠的成因及对策研究 2011年6月 PAGE 销售人员工作倦怠的成因及对策研究 摘要 近年来,由于工作压力逐渐增加,工作倦怠已成为职场普遍存在的现象,然而,国内外现有研究大多限于一般性服务行业,对销售人员工作倦怠的研究则很少见。销售人员出现工作倦怠不利于他们的身心健康和职业发展,对企业的发展也构成了一定的威胁 本文在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,通过对销售人员的工作状况进行问卷调查,搜集并整理相关数据,认识到工作倦怠在年龄、性别、受教育程度方面存在差异,销售人员总体上存在较严重的工作倦怠,同时,工作倦怠所包括的情绪疲惫、非人格化、成就感三个维度都比较高,这种严重的工作倦怠会导致销售人员工作效率的降低。从理论和实践两方面探究销售人员的工作倦怠,分析销售人员工作倦怠的成因,从个体层面和组织层面对销售人员工作倦怠提出了预防和干预措施,并提出了相应的对策建议。 关键词:销售人员;工作倦怠;销售特性;组织层面;个体层面 Research on the strategies and causes of Sales personnel job burnout Abstract In recent years, due to the work pressure increasing gradually, job burnout has become a common phenomenon. However, existing research mostly is confined to the general service industry of sales personnel job burnout at home and abroad. The research on sales personnel job burnout is very rarely. Sales personal burnout is harmful to their healthy and career development. In some extent, it has threaten the development of enterprise. In this paper, on the basis of research on sales personnel at home and abroad, it collects and organizes related data by doing questionnaire about sales personnel job burnout. It realizes differences in job burnout, age, gender, education level. sales staff exists serious job burnout in general. At the same time, job burnout mainly includes mood exhaustion, impersonal, the sense of achievement. The serious job burnout of sales staff will lead to the decrease of efficiency. This article researches sales personnel job burnout in two aspects of theory and practice, analysis the causes of sales personnel job burnout. it will put forward some respective some measures and suggestions basing on analysis for sales personnel job burnout from perspective of individual and organization. Keywords: sales personnel; Job burnout; Emotional exhaustion; Prevention; Intervention 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1引言 1 2销售人员工作倦怠的相关概念 2 2.1工作倦怠的定义 2 2.2工作倦怠的本质 2 2.3工作倦怠的影响因素 3 2.3.1工作态度 3 2.3.2工作资源 3


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