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--- --- 新通用大学英语综合教程第三册听力原文 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Part 1 Making an Appointment Guest: I need to see a dentist as soon as possible. I think it ’s an emergency. I was wondering if you might be able to recommend someone who speaks English. Clerk: Actually, there ’s or nf er onmo thfear e . Would you like me to make an appointment for you? Dentist: So I hear you ’re from overseas. Patient: Yes. From Venezuela. Thanks for fitting me in. This tooth is killing me. Dentist: Luckily, I had a cancellation. Glad to be of help. Patient: I really appreciate it. Thought I ’d better see someone right away. Dentist: Well, let ’s have a look. Part 2 Describing Symptoms at a Doctor ’s Office Conversation 1 M: What seems to be the problem today, Mrs. Gilles? F: Well, I ’ve been feeling pretty d ifzozryt h e last few days. I have to lie down all the time. I feel really weak and I have so little energy — I can ’t even make myself lunch or dinner. M: I ’m sorry to hear that. F: And I can hardly walk up stairs. I ’m so short of breath whenever I try. M: Any pain? F: Funny you should ask. I have pain in my shoulder, too. Conversation 2 [F = Chinese] F: Is there anything bothering you today, Mr. Baker? M: Well, when I woke up this morning I felt terrible. I had this pain in the back of my neck, and I thought I ’d better get in to see the doctor right away. F: Have you been coughing? M: A lot, actually. I ’ve had a bad cold for over a week now. F: That might explain the pain you ’ve been feeling in your neck. I ’m going to give you something for that cold. Conversation 3 [M = Australian] M: The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Rice. Have you not been feeling well? F: Not great, actually. And I ’ve been sneezing like crazy. M: Oh, that ’s too bad. F: Anyway, today my back is killing me. So I thought, that ter com’e isn.it, I ’d bet M: Come. I ’ll take you in to see the doctor. Conversation 4 F: You ’re here to see Dr. Fox? M: Yes, I am. I ’ve been really sick. F: Oh, I ’m sorry to hear that. Have



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