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during 在……过程中 e.g. Over the course of our lives we have many experiences, both good and bad. 我们一生中经历很多,有好也有坏。 over/in/during the course of During the course of the performance, the audience burst into laughter several times. 演出过程中,观众席上好几次爆发出笑声。 Practice : adj. funny; that makes people laugh 幽默的;诙谐的 e.g. The family were so humorous that they often made fun of themselves. 这家人很幽默,经常拿他们自己开玩笑。 humorous (humourous BrE) It was the humorous host that made the program popular. 该节目因主持人幽默风趣而备受欢迎。 Practice : adj. full of quick and often cheerful movement, thought, activity, etc. 轻快的;活跃的;热烈的 e.g. The host counts on Jim to make the party lively. 主人指望吉姆能使晚会活跃起来。 lively The couple was engaged in a lively conversation. 夫妇俩正热烈地谈着话。 Practice : catch the attention of 引起……的注意 e.g. He tried everything to get attention from the girl. 他想尽一切办法引起那位姑娘的注意。 get attention from I didn’t intend to get attention from anyone, but they all looked at me. 我并不想引起任何人的注意,但是他们却都看着我。 Practice : 1) speak or read aloud to people listening 发表;讲述 e.g. A famous American scientist was invited to deliver a lecture at our university last week. 上星期一位著名美国科学家应邀来我校做讲座。 2) take (goods, letters, etc.) to people’s houses or places of work 递送;传送 e.g. Will you deliver the goods to my home, or do I have to come over to collect them? 你是把货送到我家,还是要我过来拿? deliver vt. Practice It’s natural that you feel nervous when you have to deliver a speech. 1. 发表演说时感到紧张是很自然的。 Remember to deliver the right product to the right customer. 2. 记住要把产品准确无误地送到客户手里。 deliver Practice : n. [C] an instrument used for making sounds louder in broadcasting or recording sounds 话筒;麦克风 e.g. Some singers need a microphone to sing well. 有的歌手要靠麦克风才唱得好。 microphone A microphone was put under my nose as soon as I got out of the room. 我一走出房间,有人就把话筒伸到了我的面前。 Practice : in the special way a group of people, objects, etc., are listed or arranged in connection with each other 按顺序;按次序 e.g.


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