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Unit 2 1 In our class, most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups. These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that promotes ( 促进 ) learning. 在我们班,大多数的讨论和活动都在指定的小组中进行。这些团体 提供支持和安全的环境,促进学习。 2 It is the development strategy of the company to accelerate its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market. 为了在世界市场上分一杯羹,加快海外扩张是公司的发展战略。 3 Nearly six million people go to see the MonaLisa every year, attacted by the mystery ( 神秘 )of her smile.When you’re not looking at her,she seems to be smiling; when you look at her, she stops. 每年有近六百万的人去看《蒙娜丽莎》 ,这是她微笑的神秘之处。 当你不看她的时候,她似乎在微笑 ; 你看着她,她就停了下来。 4 To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve ones English and to gain insight ( 了解)intoits culture. 与母语是英语的一个家庭一起生活是最理想的方式进一步提高自 己的英语和了解一起文化。 5 There is a real need to boost (提高)academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a students overall character. 确实有必要提高学校的学业成绩,帮助培养学生的整体素质。 6 Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from analysis (分析)reason and language 爱因斯坦说他的科学发现来自他的想象,而不是分析原因和语言 7 Being a single parent, there is no way to calculate (计算) the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years. 作为一个单亲家庭, 她无法计算自己在过去 10 年里为孩子付出的 时间和精力。 8 It is essential that you start by listening because oneof the main barriers (障碍)teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other. 从倾听开始是很重要的,因为青少年和他们的父母在建立积极关 系时所面临的一个主要障碍


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