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摘 要 高校体育馆外部景观环境是一个具有人文精神和文化内涵的有机 整体,要承担教学、训练、交流、休闲等功能。更是构成地域性校园 整体景观风貌的重要组成构件。 随着高校扩招及体质改革深入和全民健身的普及,全国各地高校 加大对体育场馆及外部配套设施的投入比重,在这一大背景下,论文 首先阐述了高校体育馆外部景观环境的内涵,并对国内外体育馆外部 景观环境设计现状和发展趋势进行分析,进而指出体育馆外部景观环 境设计中存在的问题,并做出相应的总结与分析。 针对这些问题,结合湖南工业大学新体育馆外部景观环境设计为 例,论文重点剖析了在对高校体育馆外部景观的整体设计中,不仅要 对环境空间进行系统性的思考,把高校的文化内涵和地块的区域特色 共同考虑进规划设计中,使二者成为一个有机的统一体,同时要处理 好城市地域景观和学校整体布局与体育馆外部景观环境的相互关系, 协调好景观环境内总体布局、功能分区、交通组织、植物配备以及景 观元素等,增加自身的可识别性以及校内师生对体育馆外部景观环境 的认同感、归属感,打造一个既能彰显和传承校园文脉,又能展示运 动魅力的环境优雅、恬静舒适、丰富多彩的让人难以忘怀的景观共享 性场所。 关键词: 高校校园,体育场馆,场馆外环境,景观设计 万方数据 i ABSTRACT The University Stadium outside landscape environment is a humanistic spirit and cultural connotation of the organic whole, to undertake teaching, training, exchange, leisure and other functions. It is an important component of the overall regional landscape campus style. With the expansion of higher education and health reform and the popularization of national fitness, colleges and universities across the country to increase the stadium and external facilities in investment, in this context, this paper firstly expounds the connotation of landscape environment in the stadium outside, analysis of domestic and foreign sports Pavilion external landscape design status and development trend, and it is pointed out that theexisting stadium outside landscape environment design problems, and make a summary and analysis of the corresponding. Aiming at these problems, combined with the external landscape design of Hunan University of Technolog


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