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第3课时Grammar ( )10. May I have a talk with you, sir? I have got _____important to tell you. A. nothing B. anything C. something ( )11. Its time for class. Is ____ here? A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody ( )12. Is there ____ here who likes climbing? A. someone B. anyone C. everyone C B B 第3课时Grammar ( )13. I saw ____ in the classroom. Where are the students? A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody ( )14. ____broke the window. A strong wind broke it last night. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Everybody ( )15. I have a toothache.I think I have _____ wrong with my teeth. A. something B. anything C. everything C A A 第3课时Grammar 二、选择括号里面正确的单词填空 1. Look, __________ (some / any) boys are playing football over there. 2. There arent __________(some / any) students in the classroom. 3. I asked him for some oil, but he didnt have ________(some / any). some any any 第3课时Grammar 4. Why dont you ask your parents for ___________(some / any) money? 5. Help yourself to __________ (some / any) fish, Li Lei. 6. I have got __________(something / anything) important to tell you. 7. I am thirsty. Could you please give me ______________(something / anything) to drink? some some something something 第3课时Grammar 8. Did you see _____________ (somebody / anybody) there yesterday? 9. ______________ (Anybody / Nobody) is in the office, so where have they gone? 10. Dont worry. Theres ____________ (something / nothing) wrong with you. anybody Nobody nothing 第3课时Grammar 三、语法填空 The Internet has become part of peoples life, especially teenagers. Theres 1.___________ report among 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven cities in China. It shows that 38% of them 2.__________ (use)the Internet often. Most of the students get 3. ____________ (lot)of information and use the Internet to help with their a use lots 第3课时Grammar studies. 4._____________ , some arent using it in a good way. They play online 5. ___________ (game)too


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