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. PAGE . 高考十大高分句型 机动句:内容介绍+升华主题 没有什么事情比和我的朋友Tom一起锻炼更令人充满正能量,这让我确定无疑地明白了我们中国的传统文化和美德。 Few things can be more refreshing than doing physical exercise with my friend, Tom, which indeed and definitely let me know our Chinese traditional culture and virtue(美德). 结尾句:内容总结+再次扣题 这就是和Tom与一个热心的老人的特别的经历。这也发现和证明了中国传统的魅力与中国人的好客精神。 Such was the special experience with Tom and a warm-hearted elderly. (,which)A discovery and rediscovery of the charm of(魅力) Chinese tradition and Chinese hospitality(热情好客). ●变通: 这段经历让我非常开心并且使我勇于向他人伸出援助之手。通过这件事,给了我温暖的感觉,让我觉得我和邻居最终成了一家人。(热点话题:爱心帮助结尾) The experience made me so happy and proud to offer others in need(需要的人们) a helping hand. And in this case, it gave me a feeling of warmth, and made me feel that we, together with our neighbors(邻居), were home at last.==爱心帮助 布景高分句式 沿着公园的路,有美丽的花和绿色的草和树,树叶闪闪发光伴随着阳光照耀在我们身上,我们都特别享受这美丽的景色,这一切构成了人世间最美丽的景色。 eq \o\ac(○,1)Along the park road, there were beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. eq \o\ac(○,2) The leaves were gently glistening(闪闪发光) with the sun shining upon us. eq \o\ac(○,3)We all enjoyed the beautiful scenery. eq \o\ac(○,4)All of these made up the most amazing picture in the world. 4. 图一: 启常见场景句式 ●It came when…… 当我们正沿着小区的街道行走时,突然事情发生了。 It came when we were jogging/(hanging out) /walking/going along the road near our neighborhood. caught one’s eyes ①一到那里,突出的建筑吸引了我们的眼球。 Upon our arrival, the outstanding /amazing /beautiful /fantastic architecture/building caught our eyes. ②我们走过去看一看,一个令人振奋的消息,是关于名叫“全民运动”的活动,吸引了我们的眼球。 Getting closer to take a look(优秀过渡), an exciting news about an activity called “Fitness across the nation”(全民健身) caught our eyes. A heated discussion was held. 讨论(必决定) 立刻,一个热烈的讨论在班级中展开了,很多点子都被提了出来。经过了激烈的头脑风暴,我们最后一致同意…是更好的(或最好的)解决方案。 Immediately, a heated discussion was held in our class and several ideas/thoughts were offered,such as A or B. After heated brainstorming, we finally agreed that doing … was the better (best) solution/choice. 5. 思考常见句式 ●我们头脑中浮现出很多问题。 Questions/ideas f


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