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英语全身教学法教案 篇一:英语教学法教案 Course: English Language Teaching Title: Lesson Plan Name: 刘一凡 Class:外1301-1班 Number Background information: Students: 30 college students, Freshman Lesson duration: 45 minutes Teaching aims: After finishing this unit, students will be able to: a) get some idea of life dream. b) talk about the passage about dreams. c) learn to use the key words and expressions in this unit. d) learn to write about the power of your childhood dream. Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1. Pre-reading Tasks . Does everybody have his goal in life? 2) . Have you ever been disappointed about your dreams? 3). Predicting is using knowledge about words and context to anticipate what will come next. What can you predict from the title of the passage? Talk above questions with your partner. 2. Culture Notes: 1). Michelangelo Buonarroti: Michelangelo . Do you agree with the author’s statement that “So many people just exist; they have no goals, desires or aspirations”? 2). Did you once give up on your dream? Why? 3). “Dreams are not for the young.” How do you understand that? 2. Language points 1).Words and expressions: accumulate v. make or become greater in quantity or size, esp. over a long period; collect or grow into a mass 积累,积聚 capableadj. able, having the power, skill, or other qualities needed. 篇二:英语教学法教案 A Course in English Language Teaching Lesson Plan 学号: 姓名:陈帅全 Lesson Plan Background information: Students: 30 pupils, Grade 3 Lesson duration: 45mins Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1、read all the vowels and consonants clearly 2、Know the basic words including the phonetic 3、Recite the phonetics Teaching contents: 48 international phonetic system Teaching aids: tapes, blackboard, chalk Type of the lesson: phonetics, reading Teaching proce


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