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实用英语综合教程3教案 篇一:前景实用英语综合教程1 Unit 3 Learning 教案 教案首页 授课顺序: _9_ 学时: 2 日期:___________ 年 ___ 月 ____ 日 班级:机电15-4,5,6 电力15-3 …………………装……………订……………线……………………… 教 案 稿 纸 内蒙古化工职业学院第 页 篇二:实用英语综合教程第1册教案 An Integrated Skills Course 1 Contents Unit1 Education ........................................................................ 2 Unit2 Friendship ....................................................................... 8 Unit3 Gifts .............................................................................. 12 Unit4 Movies .......................................................................... 18 Unit5 Our Earth ...................................................................... 22 Unit6 Part-time Jobs ............................................................... 30 Unit 7 Health ………………………………………………..36 Unit 8 Famous People...……………………………………..48 Unit 9 Festival...……………………………………………..61 Unit 10 Animal Stories… …………………………………..73 Unit1 Education Objectives 1. Read what Bill Gates says about education; 2. Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life; 3. Learn something from an ancient Greek educator; 4. Study different types of nouns; 5. Write an introduction of yourself. Focuses 1. Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life; 2. Write an introduction of yourself. Outline 1. Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1995; Seattle, Washington 2) educational background: Harvard University main events in his life: a. beginning programming computers at age 13; b. developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard; c. founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19 II. Vocabulary in Text A 1. education n. 教育 e.g. Children in poor areas receive free education. educate v. 教育;教导 educated adj. 受教育的 e.g. a well-educated m


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