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英语教案boygirl 篇一:boy,girl,teacher教案 广 平 县 第 二 实 验 教 学 通 案 篇二:A boy and a girl教案设计 A boy and a girl教案设计 一、教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说词汇:a girl, a boy, English, Chinese, from, London, Nanjing,tall,fat,thin,long,short 2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:My name is… I’m/ I’m not… I’m from … My… is/ are… 3、能掌握最简单的自我介绍方法。 4、培养学生自我介绍的能力和交际用语。 二、教学重点及难点: 1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语My name is…/I’m …I’m from… My… is/ are… 2、能熟练掌握词汇a girl, a boy, nine, ten, English, Chinese, from, London, Nanjing,long,short,tall,thin,fat 并在自我介绍中正确灵活运用。 三、教学准备: 1、板书准备:课题 Unit11 A boy and a girl 2、教具准备:a. 听力材料 b. 课件 四、教学过程: Step 1Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Step 2Presentation 1. T:Boys and girls, I’m new here and I want to know something about you. My name is Abby. What’s your name? How old are you? Maybe you are nine or ten.教师引导学生用数字正确回答。 I’m 9. / I’m 10.(学说) T: What’s your name? Nice to meet you / Glad to see you/Your name is nice/ How are you today? How old are you? (通过交流男孩、女孩、小狗、小猫的名字和特征,让学生复习上节课内容。) T: Let’s chant. The boy is Gao Shan. He is tall. The girl is Helen. She is thin. The dog is Bobby. His hair’s long. The cat is Mimi. Her eyes are small. Let’s try again. 4. 引出课文教学。 a. Learn to say T: OK. Look, Who’s this girl? Yes, Nancy is our friend, too. Let’s listen what is she saying?Listen to Nancy. T: What’s your name? Are you a boy or a girl? Are you an English girl or a Chinese girl? T: Oh, Liu Tao is Nancy’s good friend. And how old is he? What Nationality is he? Where is he from? What is he from? Let’s listen and answer. Hello, boys and girls. 幼儿作出反应:Hello! Mr Liu.! ★ 教句型: 1.比比谁更快:老师运用boys girls 测试幼儿的反应和接受程度,当老师说出 boys,男孩子要举手,当老师说出 girls 的时候,女孩子举手。 2.交朋友:老师请出一个男生和一个女生,让他们运用 Hello i’m…i’m a boy/girl 作出自我介绍。让幼儿的新知识得到巩固。 ★ 结束:学会用goodbye和老师再见。 老师:Goodbye boys and girls. 然后老师教导孩子


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