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PAGE PAGE 7 基于IRS P6的蕲春县景观格局分析﹡ 魏丹1,唐嘉锴2,唐代生3,4 (1.广东省林业科学研究院,广州510520,2.湖南省衡阳市林业局,衡阳421001;3.中南林业科技大学,长沙410004;4. 武汉大学空间信息与数字工程研究中心,武汉430079) 摘要:本研究以湖北省蕲春县印度IRS P6遥感影像为信息源,以ArcGIS 9.2以及ENVI为空间地理数据处理平台提取该县土地利用类型信息,对蕲春县景观格局进行定量的分析研究。结果表明:该县景观多样性较高,斑块类型丰富,但分布不均。具体表现为:针叶林面积最大,为优势景观;河流、湖泊和水库成大面积连片聚集状态分布;灌木林、阔叶林、无林地、水域分布零散;其它(主要为村镇建设用地)斑块数量最多,斑块面积小且分散。 关键词: 3S技术;景观格局;蕲春县 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编码: A Study on the landscape pattern in Qichun City based on IRS P6 Wei Dan1,Tang Jia-kai2, Tang Dai - sheng 3,4 (1.Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou 510520;2. Forestry Bureau of Hengyang City, Hengyang 421001, china; 3.Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004 ;4. Spatial Information and Digital Engineering Research Center of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079) Abstract: In this study, basic geographic data coming from Indian IRS-P6 remote sensing images of Qichun country in Hubei province were analyzed by ArcGIS9.2 processing platform to obtain this coutry land use information. Based on this information sources, landscape patterns in Qichun were discussed quantitatively in this article. The rusults showed that the landscape diversity was at a high level. The patch types were abundant and uneven. The concrete analysis was made as follows:The largest area was coniferous forest. The distribution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs was concentring in a continuous mode. The patten of shrubbery, broad-leaved forest, non-forest land and other water area were scattered.The other land types, mainly including the construction land of towns and villages, were in the largest numbers, but their areas were small and scattered. Key words: 3S technology; landscape pattern; Qichun ﹡基金项目:2007年湖南省科技厅科技计划重点项目(2007[F]4200) 作者简介: 魏丹(1982-),女,辽宁省大石桥市人,广东省林业科学研究院园林助理工程师,主要从事园林景观规划设计、数字林业方面的研究,通讯地址:广州市天河区广汕一路233号,510520,weidan2005@163.com 区域景观结构反映各种景观在地域空间上的镶嵌格局。通过对区域内各种景观类型的数量结构、空间结构及组合结构进行分析,可以反映一个区域内景观的特点和优劣势,从而为合理开发利用土地以及编制土地利用规划等提供依据。 本论文通过大量的资料收集


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