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Conclusions (2) Pediatric patients usually response fast to any TCM diagnostic therapeutic approach A wide variety of pediatric system condition is diagnostic treated with TCM acupuncture Parents/grandparents etc play a vital role in pediatric health care Taking care of the parents is part of the pediatric diagnostic care Communication, loving kindness, and compassion to children are the key arts of healing in pediatrics diagnostic. The doctor has to emphathise with the pediatric patient on their level with empathy in communication HIV ,Tumor and CM in Africa Acupuncture ,HIV,Tumor is a charitable organisation set up to investigate the use of acupuncture therapy for the treatment of HIV and Tumor in resource-poor or rich environments in Gabon AFRICA. Dr.OVONO NKOMO Sino-Gabonaise Hospital belle vue 2 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine Jin Xin Hotel Room 315 No 282 Hanzhong Rd,Nanjing 210029 China +86ovononkomo@ May each and every one of you be blessed with every happiness, peace and good health! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Combination of Chinese and W.M diagnostic in Pediatric World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine Professional Committee The 1st World Congress Diagnostics of TCM Specialty Committee Changsha, China Jun 20-22, 201 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Acupuncture Philosophic Diagnostic Therapeutic TCM Philosophy: Yin ?? Yang A-Health; B-Excess Yang; C-Excess Yin; D-Absolute Excess of Yang; E-Absolute Excess of Yin; F-Death TCM Philosophy Zang Fu Organ System Specific organ Specific function Specific tissue Specific sense Specific meridian Specific emotion Others Understanding of the association of Organ Systems and the whole body TCM Philosophy Zang Fu Organ System: Liver Liver Smooth flow of Qi Ligaments Eyes / Vision Liver Meridian Anger (-) Generosity (+) TCM Four Diagnoses Inquiry Inspection Auscultation and Olfaction Palpat


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