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压缩空气与超级电容混合储能膨胀发电系统建模与最优跟踪负荷控制* 姜萍,赵振家,吕海建 河北大学 电子信息工程学院,河北 保定071000 摘要:为了提升可再生能源的利用率并提高电网质量,采用超级电容和压缩空气相结合构成混合储能系统,通过详细介绍各部分结构和工作原理,建立了储气室、涡旋膨胀机、永磁发电机的状态空间表达式与石子填充床蓄冷蓄热模型的传递函数。基于最优跟踪技术,为超级电容控制单元-Boost变换器设计了状态反馈精确线性化控制率。针对启动与突加负载时刻超级电容单元快速补偿电网负荷进行了仿真研究,并基于某地24小时的电网负荷曲线进行了混杂系统最优跟踪负荷的仿真实验。实验结果表明,最优跟踪控制器对于基于超级电容和压缩空气混合储能的发电系统具有很好控制效果。 关键字:最优跟踪;超级电容;压缩空气储能;反馈精确线性化;状态空间表达式 中图分类号:TM615 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1390(2016)00-0000-00 The Optimal optimal Tracking tracking load Control control Based based on Super super Capacitor capacitor for The the Expansion expansion Power power System system in Compressed compressed Air air Energy energy Storagestorage Jiang Ping ,Ping, Zhao Zhenjia ,Zhenjia, Lv Haijian (College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China.)) Abstract: In this paper, a new hybrid air energy storage system based on super capacitor energy storage has been proposed and a detailed introduction for each part of the system and working principle has been given including the state space expression of the gas storage room, the scroll expander and the permanent magnet generator. The transfer function of the gravel packed bed thermal storage model has been set up. We have designed the state feedback linearization control rate for the boost converter as the main control part of the super capacitor based on the optimal tracking technology with the exact linearization theory of nonlinear control system. The simulation experiment shows that super capacitor compensate compensates the power load rapidly at the time of start and bearing sudden load. And the hybrid system can optimal optimally track 24 hours load curve. The experiment results show that the optimal tracking controller has a good control effect for the new hybrid air energy storage system based on super capacitor energy storage. Key words: optimal tracking, super capacitor, compressed air energy storage,


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