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保险学专业(大类)培养方案(020107W) (Insurance 020107W) 一、专业简介(Ⅰ、Major Introduction) 培养学生扎实的现代经济学、金融学理论基础,突出保险专业理论和实务知识,比较熟练地掌握现代经济分析方法,具备从事保险理论教学与研究、保险行业管理、保险业务工作的能力。本专业涵盖保险理论与实务各方面内容。 After completing this major, students would get a solid theoretical foundation in modern economics, and get lots of theoretical and practical financial knowledge especially theoretical and practical knowledge in insurance, and become more proficient in modern methods of economic analysis, and acquire the ability to teach and conduct researches in insurance theory, insurance management and insurance work. This major covers all aspects related to insurance. 二、培养目标(Ⅱ、Academic Objectives) 本专业以培养“政治思想素质高、身心健康、学科基础扎实、富有创新精神、知识面宽、能力强、综合素质高”的理论与应用相结合的保险专业人才为目标。 The objectives are to train talented insurance experts with high political and ideological quality, physical and mental health, solid foundation in subject fields, innovative spirits, broad knowledge, strong ability and integrated quality. 三、培养要求(Ⅲ、Academic Requirement) 1.具有坚定的政治信念、强烈的社会责任。 2.掌握现代经济学、金融保险的理论实务知识 3. 具备处理保险业管理问题的工作能力和科研能力。 4.了解国内外金融保险业发展状况。 5.能够胜任保险金融机构的各种工作。 1. To have strong political convictions and a strong sense of social responsibility. 2. To master modern economics, finance, insurance and other theoretical and practical knowledge. 3. To have a high level of foreign language and computer proficiency. 4. To learn about domestic and foreign financial and insurance industry development, and to become familiar with national financial and insurance policies and regulations. 5. To be competent in working for insurance and other financial institutions after graduating. 四、学制与学位(Ⅳ、Length of Schooling and Degree) 学制四年。 按计划要求完成学业者,授予经济学学士学位。 The duration is four years. Students who have completed their studies according to plan will be granted a bachelor’s degree of Economics. 五、学时与学分(Ⅴ、Hours/Credits) 总学分:140(Total Credits:140) 课程教学学时/学分:2168 /132 占总学分的比例:94.3 % (Curriculum Class Hours/Credits: 2168/132 Percentage in Total Credits:94


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