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1 00:00:00,000 -- 00:00:03,800 几个世纪以来 圣殿骑士团都在寻找着神秘的伊甸苹果 For centuries, the order of the Knights Templar have searched for the mythical Apple of Eden. 2 00:00:03,870 -- 00:00:05,790 他们相信它不光包含着 They believe it contains not only 3 00:00:05,830 -- 00:00:08,050 人类第一次反抗的种子 the seeds of mans first disobedience, 4 00:00:08,050 -- 00:00:11,470 还有自由意志的关键 but the key to the free will itself. 5 00:00:11,590 -- 00:00:14,970 如果他们找到遗物并解开其中的秘密 If they find the relic and decode its secrets, 6 00:00:14,970 -- 00:00:17,850 他们将获得掌控一切自由思想的力量 they will have the power to control all freedom of thought. 7 00:00:17,890 -- 00:00:21,060 只有刺客兄弟会在阻止他们 Only the brotherhood called the Assassins stands in their way... 8 00:00:30,820 -- 00:00:34,400 安达卢西亚 西班牙 1492年 ANDALUCIA, 9 00:01:06,770 -- 00:01:10,360 宗教法庭最终还是把西班牙交给了圣殿骑士 The Inquisition has finally delivered Spain to the Templars. 10 00:01:11,230 -- 00:01:15,570 苏丹穆罕穆德和他的人仍然坚守在格拉纳达 Sultan Muhammad and his people still hold out in Granada. 11 00:01:15,900 -- 00:01:18,030 但如果他的儿子 王子 被抓住了 But if his son, the prince, is captured, 12 00:01:19,030 -- 00:01:21,120 他将投降并交出伊甸苹果 he will surrender the city and the Apple of Eden. 13 00:01:22,580 -- 00:01:24,290 你阿吉拉尔·德·内尔哈是否 Do you, Aguilar de Nerha, 14 00:01:25,410 -- 00:01:28,210 发誓在捍卫自由的战斗中 让我们的信条荣耀? swear to honor our order in the fight for freedom? 15 00:01:29,130 -- 00:01:31,710 守护人类抵抗圣殿骑士的暴政 To defend mankind against Templars tyranny, 16 00:01:32,670 -- 00:01:34,510 并且保护自由意志? and preserve free will? 17 00:01:34,920 -- 00:01:36,680 我发誓 I swear. 18 00:01:36,760 -- 00:01:39,010 如果伊甸苹果落入他们之手 If the Apple falls into their hands, 19 00:01:39,430 -- 00:01:41,970 圣殿骑士将摧毁 挡在他们面前的一切 the Templars will destroy everything that stands in their way. 20 00:01:42,010 -- 00:01:45,230 抗议异议和我们 为自己着想的权利 Protest, dissent, our right to think for ourselves. 21 00:01:45,600 -- 00:01:47,690 向我发誓 你将牺牲自己的性命 Swear to me that you will sacrifice your life 22 00:01:48,100 -- 00:01:51,110 和在场所有人的性命 来防止神器落入他们手中 and lives of everyo


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