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梅因《古代法》(英文版) The Online Library of Liberty A Project Of Liberty Fund, Inc. Sir Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law, its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas [1861] The Online Library Of Liberty This E-Book PDF format is published by Liberty Fund, Inc., a private, non-profit, educational foundation established in 1960 to encourage study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. 2010 is the 50th anniversary year of the founding of Liberty Fund. It is part of the Online Library of Liberty web site which was established in 2004 in order to further the educational goals of Liberty Fund, Inc. To find out more about the author or title, to use the sites powerful search engine, to see other titles in other formats 6HTML, facsimile PDF , or to make use of the hundreds of essays, educational aids, and study guides, please visit the OLL web site. This title is also part of the Portable Library of Liberty DVD which contains over 1,000 books, audio material, and quotes about liberty and power, and is available free of charge upon request. The cuneiform inscription that appears in the logo and serves as a design element in all Liberty Fund books and web sites is the earliest-known written appearance of the word “freedom” amagi , or “liberty.” It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash, in present day Iraq. To find out more about Liberty Fund, Inc., or the Online Library of Liberty Project, please contact the Director at oll@libertyfund.org. LIBERTY FUND, INC. 8335 Allison Pointe Trail, Suite 300 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250-1684 Online Library of Liberty: Ancient Law, its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas Edition Used: Ancient Law, its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas, with an intr


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