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6.敬词与谦词 贵国your country,贵校your school 贵府your residence,贵夫人your wife, 贵庚your age 令尊your father,令堂your mother, 令郎your son, 令媛your daughter, 令兄,令妹 殿下Your/His/Her Highness、阁下Your/His/Her Excellency、足下you 世翁your father, 千金your daughter, 泰山father-in-law,东床 your son-in-law 高见your opinion, 高足your student, 高堂one’s parents, 大作your essay 敝校my school, 敝国my country 鄙人I, 拙作my article, 拙见my opinion 贱内my wife 拙荆,糟糠 寒舍=草堂my home (humble home) 3)无宾语: 电影很有趣,我一定要去看。 The film is interesting. I’ll go and see it. 蛇在冬天藏起来。 Snakes hide themselves in winter. 4)无连接词: (因为)他不老实,(所以)我们不相信他。 Because he is not honest, we can’t trust him. 人不犯我,我不犯人。 We will not attack unless we are attacked. 说是说了,没有结果。 I have made proposals, but they proved futile. 抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。 Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved. 他不来,我不去。 If he won’t come here, I’ll not go there. 聪明一世,糊涂一时。 Smart as a rule, but this time a fool. 有饭大家吃。 Let everybody share the food if there is any. 不到黄河心不死。 Until all is over, ambition never die. 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。(朱自清《匆匆》) Swallows may have gone,but there is a time of return;willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening;peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again. 5)逻辑矛盾的表达: 晒衣服 晒太阳 to sun one’s clothes to bask in the sun 吃苹果 吃食堂 to eat an apple to have one’s meals in the canteen 打扫房间 打扫卫生 to clean a room to do some cleaning 恢复健康 恢复疲劳 to recover one’s health to get refreshed 扶贫? poverty?reduction?/poverty?alleviation? 6)多余的词语: 不必要的浪费 unnecessary waste 不切实际的幻想 unpractical illusion, fancy, fantasy 毫无根据的毁谤 slander 他所担任的工作 his work 用鼻子闻了一下 take a smell at 脑子里想了想 think over “彻底粉碎” completely smash “smash”本意就是break completely,已经包含了“彻底”的意思,加上completely语气反而弱化。 “完全征服 completely conquer “conquer”不可能是partly。 “


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