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WORD格式-专业学习资料-可编辑 --学习资料分享---- 如何写广告 【写作指导】 广告是说明文的一种, 是为了某一特定的需要, 通过一定形式向公众传递信息的手段。 广告的结构:标题、正文和落款。标题通常醒目,引起公众的兴趣;正文要简洁明了;落款表明广告的主题人的联系方式。 【常用句式】 1.This kind of computer is of good quality. 2.All the common families can afford to buy one.It controls mostly by itself,so it is very easy to operate. 3.It is convenient to carry,for it is small and light. 4.Once you have one of this kind,you’ll enjoy it very much. 5.There are many kinds of food served in the restaurant,which are very delicious. 6.At the same time,all the foods look nice and smell good. 7.What’s more,the prices of them are very reasonable. 8.The owner as well as the waiters is very friendly and kind,and they will make you feel at home. 【示例】 假设你叫李华,现在为新开业的宏昌餐馆写一则 80 词左右的广 告。包括下面的内容: 1.宏昌餐馆提供均衡饮食,利于减肥瘦身; 2.提供既有能量又有纤维的饭菜; 3.有快餐和特殊的蔬菜菜肴; 4.在这里就餐是一种乐趣; 5.保证最好的服务; 6.餐厅设在湖边,风景优美; 7.欢迎光顾。 【写作步骤】 Step One 审题谋篇 写作要求是写一个饭馆的广告。写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一则广告。写作时注意广告的写作特点。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时和一般将来时为主。 3.主体人称:由于是对一个饭馆进行宣传,所以人称应该以第三人称 为主。 Step Two 联想词汇 1.变苗条 become slim 2.减肥 lose weight 3.平衡膳食  balanced diet 4.多种多样的  a variety of 5.充满了 be filled with... Step Three 句式升级 1.想变苗条吗?那么来宏昌饭店吧。 If you want to become slim,you can come to Hongchang Restaurant复.( 合句 ) Do you want to become slim?Then you can come to Hongchang Restaurant.(并列句 ) 2.宏昌饭店是均衡饮食之家,提供很多美味健康的食物。 Hongchang Restaurant is the home of balanced foods and it offers many delicious and healthy foods.(and并列句 ) Hongchang Restaurant is the home of balanced foods,which offers many delicious and healthy foods.(定语从句 ) 3.我们饭店给你充满能量和纤维的均衡饮食。 Give you a balanced dietwhich is full of enough energy as well as fibre in our restaurant.(定语从句 ) Give you a balanced dietfull of enough energy as well as fibre in our restaurant.(形容词短语作后置定语 ) Step Four 连句成篇 Once Tasted,Never Forgotten Do you want to become slim?Then you can come to Hongchang Restaurant. Don’t you like to lose weight?Don’t you enjoy proper dinners? Hongchang Restaurant is the home of balanced foods,which offers many


明若晓溪 + 关注


